
That’s sort of the point, isn’t it? Among the countries listed in travel ban, Chad is the one that sort of elicits a “?”. And it is in desolate ruins/ecological disaster for which further isolation can only destabilise Chad and all of its bordering countries.

was that i possibility? because i would’ve loved that...but i don’t think Lupita would give up her career for the royal family, especially since she’s already basically royalty. no shade to meghan, but her biggest show to date is on USA and she has a few hallmark movies under her belt. marrying a prince is definitely

Emily Ratajkowski is being sued by fashion designer Lisa Marie Fernandez for ripping off her swimwear line.

Is Katy Perry even trying anymore?

The whole article is written pretty inappropriately to be honest. It’s appalling that, especially right now, an ostensibly feminist site still doesn’t take domestic violence seriously because it involves celebrities or because a man happens to be the victim.

domestic violence towards men is normally considered humorous

It can happen, but did that girl think for a long time, consult her family, and then go to the police station and report it with a polygraph machine? Because Perrineau did!

So is NO ONE going to talk about how it’s pretty weird that Dunham and Konner were in Miller’s home watching this all go down?

My first thought on seeing the Lena headlines was that the victim is probably a woman of color. I had to trawl through the Daily Mail piece to find out I was right. Lena Durnham could not be more predictable if she tried.

Lena Dunham is trash. She is garbage. No one should be surprised. Is anyone surprised?

I’m not surprised that Lena Dunham decided to defend a rapist. Lena is just an asshole. I’m glad Asia Argento called her out on the bullshit.

He will absolutely lose “a single voter”, he has already lost lots of voters. His approval ratings have only gone down. He is not popular. The Vocal minority, that’s who they are, with a lot of cognitive dissonance and sophisticated propaganda aimed RIGHT at them.

“… make fucking sure your Democratic friends get off their ass and vote in 2018.”
There I fixed that typo for you.

He wont lose a single voter over sexual misconduct so this wont even move the meter. Anyone that voted Trump that was so desperate to vote against Hilary will never change their mind.

Cardi B’s feminism is explicitly capitalist and self-centered. You can make a convincing case for why she’s entitled to embrace capitalism and self-deification (she’s marginalized in many ways, etc) but...I can’t. Her public persona is hollow and shallow; her music is eh, at best—subjective, i know, but her lyrics are

So she’s attacking professional working women while simultaneously trying to uplift herself..... PASS!

Cardi rhymes about killing women.

I get it and she’s not wrong. But I hate the idea that equality means women essentially striving to be more like men. I think the world would be a better place if men were encouraged to chill the fuck out and act more ‘ladylike’