
Speaking of better communication on the subway, I’d like to take this post as an occasion to thank the car full of commuters who yelled and waved their hands enthusiastically last week to make sure I knew not to sit down in some weird brown liquid that had amassed on one of the seats. And though I ultimately did sit

I don’t believe they’re even speaking English. I always feel like Charlie Brown.

Storing them is cheap. Archiving them in a useful manner is not, which is why having archivists on staff is important.

Maybe radiology.

Gothamist was a great publication. I’ve never lived in NYC, but even I found them to be a reliable, entertaining, thoughtful source addressing day-to-day life in one of the most fascinating cosmopolises in the world. Anyone who cares about having good online content to read should be outraged at the actions of

Unions have lost. Reagen and the GOP were so successful in demonizing Unions in the 80s. Now we have lost so much manufacturing and other blue collar work (miners etc), that those left accept the right to work nonsense. The rich have very effectively turned the working class against the itself. They deny benefits and

I’m failing to see how petty vindictiveness isn’t capitalist af.

I daresay that in our modern age of declining ad revenues, the profit motive is inherently at odds with the idea of a free press. Media that run as businesses either have to dumb themselves down to chase clicks, or consolidate under the thumb of a few corporations, or exist as the personal fiefdoms of rich people who

They are addicts. Addicted to money.

Why shut it all down? Powerful people never cede power. If he shuts down, he thwarts those who would wrest a scintilla of powernfrom him. Plus, it’s a chilling message to others in the wider world: Don’t even try, kids.

No, they would need to pay for reporting too. Journalists who eat do better work. No one seems to think they need to pay for news anymore—the people consuming it don’t want to pay for it, it’s free all over their social media, after all; the people running the news outlets don’t want to pay reporters when they could

Have you seen their financials?

Many moons ago, I was a tech support phone jockey for a major computer company who shall remain nameless. One day, out of the blue, I got an email from Corporate dispelling the vile rumor that we techies were unionizing. The thing bashed unions up & down, like a Chick Tract bashing gay people; one of its biggest

“I believe unions promote a corrosive us-against-them dynamic”
No no. Not treating your employees well and pushing to the point where they need a union to get what they deserve is what promotes a corrosive us-against-them dynamic.

There comes a point where the money you make is no longer earned, it’s stolen from someone else who worked for it. Being rich effectively requires this.

AKA “Fuck you” money.

So if this is because he’s losing money that means he won’t start a new identical business somewhere down the line right?

“I would like us to wind down things in the way we have always operated: with integrity and professionalism.”

Would be an absolute shame if any stories came out about him from some of these now unemployed workers.

Yeah, he controls the means of production and does whatever the fuck he wants with them. That’s some capitalist shit right there.