The pageant was in on it and must have been supportive to use accompanying visuals. What are the chances a Trump pageant would do the same!
The pageant was in on it and must have been supportive to use accompanying visuals. What are the chances a Trump pageant would do the same!
For that to happen he would have to have a conscience and be capable of experiencing human emotion like guilt or empathy, though.
Are we supposed to guess?
You should write a column.
There is a now A-list star who lived on the dl with Spacey in his WeHo apt. in the early 90s when he first arrived in Hollywood (Spacey would’ve been about 35 and the now-A-list star was about 21).
God, THANK YOU. I thought I was the only person who couldn’t STAND this movie. I thought the writing was so bad, I literally spent the whole movie yelling at the screen.
Bed bugs are fucking horrific, but I have to admit to being a little relieved after reading this article. I thought it was about how there are now FLYING BED BUGS, which would probably lead me to get one of those bubble boy things the kid from Seinfeld was in. Either way I’m going to be itchy for the rest of the day.
Yeah, I’m a bit worried about how people seem to be conflating the two. I formerly worked in an industry where virtually everyone was cheating or had cheated on their spouse at some point. Most people had at least two divorces under their belts. A few of the guys would sleep with literally anyone who was willing.
You can be a womaniser without being a rapist. I’ve worked with womanisers before (as well as women who cheated on their husbands). I mean, it sucks for their spouses but as long as the people they’re involved with are willing (truly willing, not pressured into it), there’s nothing illegal about that. The temper is…
I wonder how true this is with most of America...
I hate to take the wind out of my own community’s sail here, but as an academic, specifically a film historian and archivist myself, the plain truth is legally and academic ethics wise nobody mentioned here at all owns Martha’s story.
It’s that age old scenario of whenever someone does anything, there’s always someone else out there who will say “I could do that” or “I could have done that”...while missing the point entirely, which is “you didn’t.” That’s why in the art / media world people talk about the difference between a great idea and…
My mentor used to say there are three sides to every story - his, hers and the truth - and I’d wager that Lopez’s account hews closer to the truth than the other two parties involved
Oh come on that’s absurd; no way is it the first.
I always feel conflicted when I read stories like this. I hugely struggle with the idea that unless you have had the exact same experience as someone (race, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.), you don’t have the right to create art that reflects on their story. I understand that Gossett…
Well the cat was already out of the bag when The Root wrote about it the other day just taking Gossett’s take into consideration. Sure this could have used an editor, but Bobby did a good job of presenting a lot of perspectives and looking at the available evidence.
But that’s why it’s good reporting.
Great reporting, if completely cluster-fuck-y, insider-y and, distracting.
That’s a great question! Techinally, the prohibition of NDAs covering crimes attaches to the reporting of a crime to the authorities. I.e., the report of a crime to the police does not breach an NDA. However, there has been case law to suggest that even evidence* of a crime can not be covered by an NDA.