She did run again. She lost the primary in 2008.
She did run again. She lost the primary in 2008.
I continue to see this very ahistorical line of thinking about the 1994 crime act. It was a very different world than today, when crime has been decreasing steadily for 3 decades. In 1994, crime had been increasing nonstop for nearly 4 decades. Most people figured it would keep increasing unless something drastic was…
Its not a strawman, check out any of Sanders’s social media posts, the comments are full of people urging him to “unsuspend” his campaign.
You have far more articles criticizing Biden for stupid gaffes than you do criticizing Trump for killing tens of thousands of people.
I also think the social media feeds of this 1% of the Left that are screaming and crying have become so infected with right-wing/Russian bots that they have effectively become useful idiots for MAGA/Putin.
So you think poor people and essential workers don’t care about fashion? They have as much of a right to care about how they look as you and your fellow professional class Zoom users.
Oh like rubbing shoulders? How awful! We should definitely elect the guy who’s bragged about raping women instead.
What people came forward? Her brother, who never mentioned the sexual assault until after the interview, just texting “oh by the way” to the NY Post reporter afterwards? Or her friends, who’ve remained anonymous, and who she apparently waited over 3 years to tell?
He literally said look at the evidence in the National Archives, where complaints are kept.
Tara Reade is not credible.
Don’t be so ethnocentric.
Its actually pneumonic plague (not bubonic), which is the more deadly kind since it transmits through the air like the flu. (Its still easily treatable with antibiotics.)
“this last time we needed to pay late but were refused”
Maybe she’s talking about it because she was asked? Because Sex and the City still gets clicks, which is also why this article exists
Your lack of empathy is monstruous.
When he knew the brothers were arrested, he released a statement that he was horrified someone he knew might’ve attacked them. So even when he knew they were innocent people *that he knew*, they threw them under the bus.
I feel bad for the two brothers who were arrested by police in connection with this hoax. They have a lot less privilege and money to deal with a situation such as this. Where was Smollett when they were in the hands of police? He was telling his lawyers to throw them under the bus. That’s the sickest part of this…
Wow! That’s pretty low to try to frame *your own brother* for your DUI. And I thought he couldn’t get any lower...
Anyone in particular in mind?
I said its racist so... we agree?? Congrats?