
If they’re anything like my parents... No, he doesn’t make dinner either. Or clean around the house. Or do the laundry.

Everyone is jumping down your throat for this, but I just want to point out:

Your essentializing of whiteness as categorically insidious tells me you have no real knowledge of the struggles for liberation in this country.

Your argument is completely devoid of facts. The artists, who’s work you essentialize and categorically devalue, never “got mad” she simply defended her work. Painting is not above criticism but I have yet to see a single substantive criticism that actually engages with the painting instead of criticizing the white

Thanks for mentioning that I hadn’t read it

DACA only applies to immigrants who entered before June 2007 (among other requirements).

They were arrested and deported almost immediately. Most deportees aren’t allowed to collect any belongings or say goodbye to loved ones. It can happen all in one day.

She was already a highly recognized name in the art world. You just didn’t know of her because you don’t know about the art world

Ok I’m gonna be “that bitch”: why use an approval rating for Brownback and a disapproval rating for Christie? Its clearer to stick with the same metric.

OB/GYNs are expected to be at the hospital much faster than other specialties when on call. Neurosurgeons and heart surgeons who get paid far more can usually afford to wait. Anything requiring major surgery in those areas won’t change overnight, but a birth isn’t going to wait. So ERs tend to page OB/GYNs even for

Her father is a US citizen so she was a born citizen regardless of geographic birthplace. She can run for president


The rape did occur in the books but against fake Arya. Rather than explain all the fake Arya stuff, they decided to use a character we already know and care about so the rape would be that much more impactful.

“Gratuitous” really? Have you seen the show? The whole show is gratuitous violence from the beginning. The rape scene was tame by the show’s standards. I don’t understand what people were expecting.

You realize that 53% is barely a majority, right? Its very close to half-and-half, so you have about a 50-50 chance of a white woman being a Trump supporter versus not.

Defending due process is shameful? Did you ever take a civics class in high school? You clearly don’t understand how courts work.

They’re not supposed to grapple with the hard legal issues until the case is actually argued in court. This is only about a preliminary injunction, damaging as that may be.

Amen. As bell hooks said, we need more stories that show the transformation of white people into antiracists.

It just snarks on her for being a white “Becky”. Real insightful analysis there...

That’s because there’s nothing to flag. Having a different opinion is not harassment. Address his argument, don’t just censor him