
Who are the accusers? All I’ve seen is a bunch of anonymous, “I’ve heard that...” “Multiple people say...”

Trump’s attacks have apparently become so normalized that even liberals defend him when he attacks someone.

Whether or not you get or like her artistic expression, Kathy Griffin has the right to publicly ridicule the president.

Of course! He just asked to imagine what it looked like, what color it was, what texture it was, what gender it was. For some reason I thought of a big pink guy with little spikes all over. And it was weirdly very calming to think of him that way because I can assign ideas and mistakes to him too. I imagine he really

It’s part of who I am

You won’t die! At least not from anxiety ;)

Magnesium is a weirdly great anti-anxiety supplement, and its also good for treating heartburn, which is correlated with anxiety – I suffer from both, though they’ve both gotten much better recently with treatment.

Pain and anxiety are a vicious cycle too! I’ve dealt with chronic pain and anxiety and they definitely feed off each other. Luckily I found a great therapist and a great physical therapist and I’ve been feeling much, much better these past few days. I’m pretty sure my pain was part physical and part mental, and

Stupid yes but not necessarily antisemitic

Ben had sex with a gay man that I know, so not “straight”

Because the AG isn’t an at-will employee and can only be fired with just cause, since Congress set his term. Sessions probably advised him on how to go about it correctly

Liberals have been saying this shit for years. You keep hoping they’ll do the one thing that will finally make their constituents wake up and vote against them. It won’t happen. Change doesn’t happen spontaneously – things will keep getting worse unless the left can come up with a real alternative to break through.

It doesn’t matter. They’ll find a way to blame Dems, blame insurance companies, blame anyone but themselves.

Misogyny drove the decades of right-wing attacks on everything Hillary Clinton has done or said. Those decades of attacks creates the cloud of suspicion that follows her in our cultural/political dialog

Bomb dogs ≠ drug dogs

The real story is the Russia association. He always tweets bonkers claims like this as softball bad news to distract from the really bad news that comes up about him

FWIW Remy only recently got out of prison for shooting a woman who supposedly owed her money (and who survived with permanent damage to her intestines)


They can’t impeach him. The republican base adores him and they’ll destroy any republican who stands against him