
I'll quote you again: "culture attached to those races."

They were originally white because of legally-, economically-, and socially-enforced segregation. When those structures of segregation were abolished and non-white people could move in, all the white people moved out. THEN public services, businesses, and jobs all followed. THEN crime went up, because schools got bad,

You are a racist. Here's why: you're saying that white people are richer and more politically involved because they're white people, and black people don't because they're black people. You think its all just because of race, and "culture attached to those races" is just a smokescreen to distract from that.

Perez Hilton is awful, both in general and in this case, but can we stop getting offended at comparisons and start getting offended at objectification instead? The former is disingenuous clickbait, and the latter is what the article talks about anyways.

Whoops, typo fixed :P

When the US invaded Iraq, a special committee recommended a list of historic sites to protect. After the US swiftly took Baghdad, troops were ordered to do nothing as widespread looting occurred (to the point of buildings being taken apart). The curator of Baghdad's main museum, which was on the list and which

Obviously Hollywood's portrayal of abortion is fucked (as with most things), but I'd like to see a comparison of this with death is non-abortion plot lines. It'd be much more scientifically sound to say, for example, abortion plot lines are X% more likely to have a death than non-abortion ones.

Beautiful, but tragic that's its, of course, on exhibit in the UK instead of its home country. Another "exotic" artifact in an imperialist country.

That may be true, but it doesn't take a majority of people to agree with something to pass a law. Support for the Tea Party never broke 40%, yet they managed to get more of their agenda accomplished in the last few years than the whole Democratic Party, which still "controls" the Presidency and the Senate. While I may

Can I please have some more analysis to go along with this?? Because I don't know what to think, except that Allen, Farrow, and Previn all seem like terribly self-absorbed, awful parents and I feel really bad for all of the kids involved in this.

Can I get a "spoiler alert"???

If my boyfriend of 12 years, with whom I had 3 children with, cheated on me with my teenage child from another marriage, "unhinged" wouldn't even come close to how I'd feel.

I thought that too, but at the same time, its going to be reported, and its better that we have stronger, critical reporting of the bull that it is to counteract the hype. (Though I wish this article were much more critical) Nonetheless, I can't help but get more angry the more I think about how much PR this murderer

You're right, and I guess not having experienced something like that personally when my loved ones have passed, I shouldn't make those kinds of pronouncements. I think what rubs me the wrong way is that people seem to be mad at PSH for the sake of his family, when that should be the family's personal decision and

Because he was supposed to know that it would turn out like this? Obviously people shouldn't mess with heroin at all, but to be mad *at all* at someone for dying for *any reason* is just cruel.

"Columbia's President Does Nothing To Help Sexual Assault Survivors"

So because they trusted the university, they deserve to have it swept under the rug? You're so full of victim-blaming shit that I just cannot.

This was actually my first thought when I read the article. More pinkwashing of bourgie racist shit.

Except when Macklemore gets up on TV to accept his award, he doesn't even give lip service to all the other artists (queer and otherwise) who have already been saying the same thing for years. The thing about privilege is that if you do nothing, it will still have its power over you and over everyone else. You have to

Wrong. People in "those communities" already have voices that are already amplified. We don't need an "ally" to be our megaphone, we need allies who can shut up for long enough to *listen* to us instead of trumpeting their own self-righteous horn.