
This is some heterosexist shit.

"American subcultures that are unwelcoming of gay culture are now the exception, not the rule."

Vegetarians are not oppressed, at all, by anyone.

And you are the biggest homophobe.

If that's what you want, you have to make that clear and demand it. It takes two to dance. Rest assured, the traditional, heteronormative, monogamous relationship you seek is still enshrined in a place of honor and given thousands of legal rights and privileges over what the rest of us want.

Instead of trying to exculpate Lena Dunham for this, I think you all should call her out more. She's supposedly all body-positive and against the typical/impossible fashion-mag body, but here she is contributing to and supporting *the* typical fashion mag. Sure, Vogue allowed her to be a shot in a way she desired that

Why is this "jarring"? I think its cool.

Fuck the HRC, fuck GLAAD, and fuck Sharon Needles. Being racist doesn't make you anti-establishment, it just makes you racist.

The Sharon who dressed up as Hitler, who repeatedly used the n-word in her personal life and in her shows with no apologies, and who dressed up as a geisha to greet a Chinese food delivery man with the intent to harass them (only to find out it was a white guy) is supposed to be "seriously like the best winner ever"?

Also: people who lug on some huge suitcase and move MY backpack to make room to ram their case of bricks into the overhead compartments. I know, maybe you don't trust the plebs who handle the luggage with your precious cargo, but then at least try to pack light, thanks.

I totally believe you, but my FSU-super-fan father probably won't, so do you have a link for the medical professional bit?

But the whole reason B613 was so interesting and scandalous is that it *was* beyond the reach of the President. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me to just discard that all of a sudden, i.e. why didn't Fitz just kick Rowan to the curb when Rowan first got in his face? I hope there's more explanation/development to

Is that all it takes to bring down Papa Pope?! I was loving his character :( I know he's supposed to be evil, but he's so bad ass, and the way he tore into Fitz was giving me everything. Fitz needs to go, he should've been gone last season with the assassination. He's so boring, and I can't with this abusive

"Right to work" laws actually require that non-unionized employees receive the same benefits as unionized employees. So, people don't want to pay union dues, or don't want to stick their neck out for the union, and they don't join, but still get the same union wages and benefits. The more people do this, the less

People have a right to decide their own sexuality and what terms they want to use for it, regardless of how "frustrating" you find it.

Who's getting arrested? This is being using to help *pressure* international organizations and world governments into looking into these cases more so that people can go to prison for actual sexual exploitation of children.

Go to hell.

Yes! This is what bugs me too - he comes off as so self-righteous and smug about his "advocacy," and I don't get how other people don't see it. Its seems like people are just so infatuated with the fact that he says gay is okay that they don't notice it.

Cry me a river. Its so hard being straight, white, and middle class isn't it? Yes, you should pout off to your room and let all the ungrateful, oppressed people know how they should be praising your name for helping them.

It really, really, really, really does matter that he's white. And straight. And a man.