
It ain't over until the fat lady sings. I'm a little tired of "progressives" assuming that the GOP is already dead when they still kinda control the House – and the Supreme Court.

This is not "a testament to how far we've come as a society." Its a testament to how far out of touch the politicians of this country are with the people who elect them. 3/4 of Americans support ENDA, and 90% THINK ITS ALREADY A LAW. And yet, it still will not be a law. Bigotry reigns even when its widely unpopular.

There's an argument, but its not valid. Many gay porn studios use condoms all the time, and there's no chafing-induced HIV epidemic there. Because lube.


Do you need a STFU addressed personally to you? Not everyone was affected in the same way.

I hate everyone who signs petitions like this.

I think its actually a terrible song. Maybe because I'm gay, so as the article says "gay is okay" is kind of old news to me. But I actually think those kinds of empty platitudes are actually much more sinister than just being "old news." I think that they allow people to proclaim themselves as "allies" without

Because Macklemore writes terrible songs but because he's a straight white man who said being gay is okay, he wins a bunch of awards and gets a million dollars. I don't care that he's "aware" of his white privilege either. Standing up for the rights of the marginalized and acknowledging your privilege are *basic* and

"What grandparents don't?" And, hey, a monthly "little treasure" direct deposit from grandma don't really count as "supported by our families", right?

US federal law does not require breaks of any kind, but many state laws do, so the legality of that would vary by state.

I'm not an expert on the history of medicine or anything, but I'm a bit skeptical of these "first female physician" and "first real medical school" claims. For example, I remember reading that the Islamic world had much more advanced medicine than the Christian world for a long time, due to differing religious taboos

I totally agree with you. The problem with seeing information about people you block is: what if the abuser blocks the survivor first? As someone who's had a stalker, I'd much more appreciate not having to paranoiacally check my privacy settings all the time to make sure they didn't change them all on me to a new

Killing is never justified in the name of women's rights or human rights or any kind of rights. War involves a lot of killing, not to mention the myriad other ways it rips people's lives apart. When any movement or group allows their rights, even if only in name, to be appropriated by an invading force, the invaded

Its a fun parody of the original. So what if all the guys are gay or not. The guys had a more femme look and the girls had a more butch look. If perceived gayness is the main reason you don't like it, you're a homophobe. Yes, even if you're gay.

I'm white and I find it strange when someone asks me my ethnicity/ancestry. I usually list off a bunch of European countries and end with a caveat that I kind of think its kinda B.S. for me, because the list I have is just the list my parents told me, nothing more. I have no way of knowing how accurate it is (at least

I recommend Angels in America, she's great it in it! Along with many others

This. It definitely bothered me when she said, "But it's only so rough as you allow it to be." Um, no, its not that easy. Sometimes you can't just shut it out. Sometimes people throw it in your face, or your stumble upon it. Sometimes you want to know what other people think of your work, for encouragement and for

"Jurors paid for their own purchases and appointment costs"

If its found that a juror lies during voir dire, does that cause a mistrial or something? I ask because it seems to me that saying you hate the media then going to the media two days after the trial ends is a little suspicious.

Thank you for this. Its astounding the selfishness of some people that they would make this about how horrible it is for them to be called racists when a racist killer was set free tonight.