
Thank you.

It was supposed to block it (kind of) by delaying it past the last day of this session. But then Rick Perry opened up a special session just for them to pass this bill.

It does explicitly make that caveat, but then it goes on to talk solely about that "most women/men" and use only examples from that "majority." It totally ignores the exception to the rule, which is kind of important if you are in the exception. As a gay man, I've always felt these kinds of essentialisms very

Tell us more about how you've "mastered" three different languages. Oh, you haven't? You only speak rich white aka "standard" English? Then stop judging people based on their accent. Accent has absolutely no relation to intelligence, and to presume otherwise is racist, xenophobic, and/or classist.

To me, its more because she acts like this style/culture is "hers" instead of recognizing that she's new to it all and many people know it much more intimately than she ever will. White privilege is being able to go into any new culture that you know nothing about then act like you're the *master* of it all.

I can only guess because "it's so gay," in the most middle-school way possible.

Take that back, *actual* homophobia

Of all the things you could criticize about "The Bachelorette," you chose a man's tank-top choice. Why does a supposedly feminist website continue to engage in image-shaming celebrity gossip? The borderline homophobia in some of the comments doesn't help.

You know how else not to talk about sex in relationships? By only talking about opposite-sex, married relationships.

I don't agree that Facebook isn't the place for political statements. If you use Facebook, it seems like as appropriate of a place as any. The personal is political. Though obviously there's obnoxious and self-righteous ways of being political, I feel like that distinction was ignored here.

If you re-read the post, you were not called a racist because Spambot disagreed with you. You were called a racist because you think Martin's appearance has anything to do with Zimmerman's guilt or innocence. In fact, it was what that changed your mind. If that's not racist, its at least bigoted.