I expected this to just be a list of articles about Trump.
For the GOP all of that is only true for the poor, female, brown and/or queer. If you’re a rich straight white (conservative) man they believe you should of course be given anything you wish because... well, because!
But don’t you know that polling - not just the crooked polls done by the dishonest media but the mere concept of statistically measuring public opinion - is skewed in favor of Nasty Hillary and that the only true sign of who’s winning the election is how many shitty trucker hats they sell?
I’m pretty sure you can find a few Chick Tracts “left behind” in any bus station, bowing ally, or cheap sit-down pizza chain in America.
See, Donnie, when a monster and a blimp love each other very much...
The only horror movie I need (and can handle) this October is the election coverage.
Cirque du Sealeil, Robin Hoot, and Nyan-time WWE Champ
If I correctly remember all the Nietzsche I read in high school, Nietzsche admired the Jews, hated his contemporary Germans, called for anti-Semites to be shot, advocated for the mixing of the “races” of Europe, and believe cruelty was a mark of nobility.
Deadspin is Wonkette now?
I am feeling very pessimistic about the future of humanities departments.
I double dog dare Trump to try calling someone “[his] African-American” again when (or if) he visits a black neighborhood. I doubt he’ll get away with that so easily with an audience that knows what he actually wanted to say.
If the Republican Party is the ego, Trump(ism) is its Freudian slips.
9/11, but also the anthrax letter panic. Especially the day NBC announced they had gotten a letter.
It’s always heartbreaking when parents outlive their children. I can’t even imagine how much harder it must be when your child was as talented an artist as Tupac was and his death was a nationally-known event.
Ben Carson was the Music for Airports of Republican candidates.