I really wish we could separate the issue of GMOs and Monsanto. Because 1 is fine, but fuck Monsanto. It’d be like arguing the internet sucks because Time Warner Cable sucks.
I really wish we could separate the issue of GMOs and Monsanto. Because 1 is fine, but fuck Monsanto. It’d be like arguing the internet sucks because Time Warner Cable sucks.
I appreciate things like GMOs, vaccines, and the word “chemicals” for helping me remember that people on my side of the political spectrum can ALSO be fucking idiots.
They should be punished if they harass other people who are just trying to use the bathroom.
Yep. We need to stand together. See some guy lurking outside the ladies, waiting to harass anyone he doesn’t find feminine enough, call the cops on him. “There is a guy trying to get into the women’s bathroom and he is making me and all the other women very frightened.” Bonus points if you can sound as feminine and…
Yep. The world needs a collective lesson on gender identity and gender presentation.
Hell, it could be anyone who doesn’t look “feminine” or “masculine” enough to these nutjobs. No one is safe.
Frankly, you could just say in all honesty that the guy is threatening or harassing you. This is some serious bullshit. If I opened a door to some random guy waiting for me and blocking my path, I’d be fucking terrified. Anyone would be.
...and he’s dressed like a Burger King manager.
He, as a man, appears to be trying to enter the women’s bathroom. I would have called the cops on his nosy ass, and definitely would have seriously considered punching him in the balls. Fuck people like this guy.
Imagine living in Texas.... Everyone here is worried about their baby girls at Target but let them hangout alone with priests during the day at Catholic school and see no problem. Idiots.
It was obvious to me that SSM wasn’t the end of it. LGBT still has a long way to go. You can get fired in most states. Trans people such as myself get murdered in extremely high numbers.
I was just telling my fiance, “If I ever saw anyone doing what this guy is doing, he’d end up in the hospital and I’d end up in jail.” I never considered claiming *he’d* attacked *me.* I like you.
Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.
OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it
Next time that happens, kick the man in the junk. If someone asks why you did it, say he was attacking you. (Or you can be the bigger person, but we are none of us perfect)
WHAT AN ASSHOLE! I’m not Sorry. That is the correct response to idiots trying to interrupt strangers from peeing. “You’re an asshole.” Thank you crazy right-wing jerkfaces for emboldening the potty police. This country gets more ridiculous every day. I CAN’T handle it.
I like this ending better.
“get them up against the wall!”
“Do you feel it appropriate for a 13-year-old girl to be exposed to the anatomy of a boy?”
The term, biological sex, as used in this Act, means the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.
The worst thing about meeting different kinds of people is that you start to think of them as, in fact, people.