
Yeap, that's the one :)

Wasn't this the plot of the "Palestinian Chicken" episode from "Curb your Enthusiasm"?

I feel blessed to have no clue who this girl and her group are.

I hope those cookies will have THC in them. She will still be awful but calm at least.

Sometimes even expensive shoes can hurt, it really depends on your foot.
Look into lining for the shoe like half sock that hides under the shoe part or moleskin padding. Figure out where exactly is the problem area that ends up hurting and look up tricks like toe caps for corns or gel pads for calluses.
I know how you

I went through a similar situation myself. It was equal parts "but jeebus says yadah yadah" and "zomg what will our friends think, we might have jokes made at our expense". I ended up being kicked out for while. I am not going to lie, it sucked but I managed.
Good news is that sometimes parents come around, mine did.

Fetus Fetishists

You have a Seinfeld script right there.

It's been in that long?

Mike's Hard Lemonade, unofficial beverage of "To catch a Predator"

I have the sneaking suspicion that the store manager was projecting some issues on to this girl. Hopefully she will get mental health coverage at her new job at Abercrombie.

I lived in a country with outlawed abortion, they still happened, just not in a safe way. A lot of injuries and death result from these. Even other methods like using Misoprostol and other drugs are still used to induce miscarriage.

The anti-choicers live in a fantasy world, this article points to a very good example

Sue Storm! or if you are litigious Invisible person.

You made my day!