
Agreed, but without Jaha's righteous douchiness we'd have none of Murphy's sidekick snark. I'm ok with that tradeoff.

And why did they have to go to the park to reveal him? Does he live in that park?



I forgot this takes place so far in the future and was really hoping they were going to reveal that he was Shawn Mendes in-universe, like Tom Petty in The Postman, which was a terrible movie, but to quote my brother, "If there really was an apocalypse, I'd like to think Tom Petty would make it."

I'm not a fan either, but Laurel did train briefly with Nyssa.

"I mean, who can produce great art on a stomach full of sub-standard muffins? It's barbarism I tell you!"

Totally agree about Ronnie and ironic that you use that particular metaphor, since I just discovered the kid playing Jax was also in Attack the Block, a film which also gave us John Boyega, so I'm willing to cut him some slack.

Oh. Um, never mind then. *sheepish*

It's Chay-ara, not Shayera. Not coming from a comic book background, this is the only chance I may have to make such an obnoxious correction, so I'm running with it. #ThanksClosedCaptions!

I wonder how Henry's fishing tour is going.

I'm with you. I had to stay till the end of the credits just to pull myself together enough to leave the theater. You have no idea the effort it took to hold it all in and appear normal on the subway ride home.

Same. I kept it together for a whole 10-15 seconds before the clarion blast put me over the edge.

But he's not doing the next one. I think handing it off was a good decision, too.

Ah, got it. Thank you!

Granted, I'm not working at full mental capacity right now, but I'm still not understanding this. What makes 5 or 6 a good choice vs. 2? <— Honest question.

They tried the shark already. Hatch ate him.

Andy Whitfield made him seem generic, too, tho. Perhaps an unfair comparison. Apologies.

Fun Fact: Both Trickster episodes have featured Breaking Bad references! #MagnetsBitch

Yes! I *knew* he looked familiar.