
And MBTs were *expensive* in the early '00s. I had a pair then. (Because I have arthritis in my toes, not because I bought the butt-shaping claims, FYI.)

Holy shit, how did I not realize that was Tricia?!? You just blew my mind.

It was Jimmy's blood, from when they brought him and the skateboarders out to the desert. And no one was killed there because Jimmy is the best lawyer ever.

I read your last sentence wrong and thought it said "the Vincent effect" and got all excited that you were referencing Walt's yellow lab from LOST. By the end of the series, he was the only character I could still tolerate. *sigh*

I am so ready. Got my MaddAdam code name picked out and everything.

Mr. Green in Clue for me. "I *told* you I didn't do it!"

Ah, ok. I try to avoid previews, so I had missed that clue.

Speculation for those who have read the book: Do we think that the "Aunt" who escaped to Canada and leaked info to the Toronto Star might have been Moira? That her escape attempt was successful and she avoided Jezebel's? Which would be awesome for Moira, but if so, they better still work Jezebel's into the story.

I loved that bench scene for the same reason, but I have to disagree with your last point: Walt was certainly a loose cannon, but he was far from lovable.

Clea Duvall. ❤️ her.

I think I said at some point during the first season that I loved Mike so much I would watch an entire 5-season spin-off of him just sitting in the parking attendant booth doing crossword puzzles.

Masterfully done—I saw it coming from further away than Mike's tracking device could register, but I still cheered out loud when the camera panned up.

This whole thread has just made my day. Great job, internet!

Totally agreed. Luke and Misty had chemistry; Luke and Jessica had some fucked-up but pretty intense chemistry; Luke and Claire felt kind of incestuous. I loved her initial rebuff about how he didn't even drink coffee, but the more they pushed the romance angle, the more I weirdly felt like she was betraying Jess

Reviewer is female. Just an FYI.

Random sidenote: Which is just another reason why I love Battlestar Galactica—for letting Six be significantly taller than Gaius.

I think it's particularly because I am also not one of these women that I am surprised by what women who live in heels can do in heels. Like, guys may find it unbelievable because they've never seen it done before, but we know from experience how hard it is to do shit in them. I can barely keep myself upright and

I can totally see that happening, but damn it, I'm ok with anyone *but* Gloria getting hit. :(

I'm pretty sure someone is going to get hurt, and it will be accidental, like someone grabs for the gun and it goes off and hits one of the rioters.

Man, Cindy and Watson just destroyed me this episode. :(