
I hear where you're coming from, and I completely understand your frustration, but for me, her death felt so impactful *because* it had some elements of real life. Like if this were a superhero show and she was killed by a villain's laser beam, it's just an entertaining TV show, but this (and much worse) really

I've been waiting for this review so that I could feel the relief of sharing my grief with all of you. Thank you for all your wise and heartfelt comments. We may not always agree, but having this sense of community means the world to me right now.

I've always wondered this—thanks for asking!

This is exactly how I felt. You put it perfectly.

I'd personally be devastated if Gloria died. :(

I watched the finale immediately after this episode, cried through the whole thing, and continued to cry for a good hour or two after it was over. Like, full-on, snot-all-over-my-face, helplessly-clutching-soggy-tissues sobbing. It felt like I had lost an actual real-life friend. Man, am I going to miss her…

I thought about that, attempting CPR, then remembered Taystee saying about Soso after her suicide attempt that she had seen dead enough to know, or something along those lines. Maybe she just quickly realized it was hopeless? God, what a wrenching moment…

Happy Watson makes me happy. :)

Oh my God, I love that story so much. I knew right away what you were talking about before I even clicked the link. That girl is my hero. <3

Nazi sympathizer much?

Nope. Still no sympathy for Piper. I remember actually thinking during that stove scene, "Oh, shut up. You brought this on yourself. Just deal with it." Then being surprised at myself for how harsh that was. Then not caring that it was so harsh because Piper is the worst. Fuck her.

The next episode is the one where the meteor hits Max but it's really a disguised spacecraft sent from Piper's moon colony to save Nicky and Sophia. I won't say any more because I don't want to ruin the surprise of them crash-landing on Mars and finding Miss Claudette.

No problem. I'm like Nicky, and trivial shit like that is my heroin. :D

You'll get the reference in a few episodes. :)


Her name's Allison Abdullah. Just thought I'd let you know, since I've seen the whole season already so it's safe for me to Google character names. Hmm, maybe I should be offering this as a paid service…

That's the gender-swapped version.

Nitpick: Maritza is her first name. Her last name's Ramos.

I'm unemployed at the moment, so I binged the entire season straight through, but I still had to pull an all-nighter to do so. After reading all these spoiler horror stories, I'm glad I did. I don't know what I would do with myself if I had no job *and* had to avoid the interwebz. Maybe just re-binge the whole season…

"I think you mean Microsoft."