
My new wild guess, now that they reintroduced Oliver's baby mama, is that it's going to be either her or the kid who dies.

Or a crew member? Grasping at straws, maybe, but the way Kelly (?) asked, "Is he ok?" made me think it wasn't someone too close to them.

So who else caught that "Patty" was the license plate on the truck Daryl took off in?

And all other events are pending.

Ra's Air Ghul: Air To The Demon!

His "Thanks for dinner" to Barry cracked me up.

Upvoted for "WHO'S DEANNA?" I have to actively restrain myself from commenting that every time her name is mentioned. It will never not be funny to me. God bless Abraham.

"And Melissa McBride is just killing it."

The "we" was referring to Enid and Carl sneaking out last season, not the Wolves' attack. The prologue was not unrelated - her goodbye note spelled out "JSS." And this show doesn't do subtle foreshadowing.

No worries: The Alexandrians were too inept to have offed anyone.

Upvoted for "The Wolves' whole 'Lost Boys' aesthetic." Right on.

She's the Huell of the zombie apocalypse.

Balloons blown up by mouth don't float. Unless you're a helium-exhaling third-worlder, I suppose.

YES. Thank you. I'm curious if you're a girl fan, too, to have caught that, or just knowledgeable about hair care. Because to add another dimension to the debate, as much as I fucking hate Jar-Jar and the goddamn midichlorians, Menace always edges out Clones for me, due solely to Padme's far more fabulous costuming.

Amazing. This must happen.

You will always kneel.

I would so watch that.

You're damn right. :D

Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests??

(Oh, and her bee-themed top was a cute touch.)
And don't forget her beehive hairdo.