
I'd prefer her to come back here than as Beth.

I was really hoping they just called her Bee Girl, like that little chick from the Blind Melon video.

Or like when Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame, reprising his role as a character on The Flash, name-drops Breaking Bad season 5 before dramatically revealing "I am your father." #Referenception

I was hoping that scene meant that the impersonator at the end was going to be Merlyn, otherwise yeah, how random.

According to someone on The Flash board who allegedly read the production script (who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night), it was just a trick but the reveal scene was cut. Which saddens me because the "You look like you have a heavy heart" scene wasn't.

FYI, old people adore me!


I think you mean pottying with Joaq. That's what I heard, and the visual was actually less disturbing than how I envision Rodney hitting on women.

Nitpick, but she looked closer to 3 or 4, which makes her performance even more impressive. I always feel bad for kid actors that young. Like, exactly what motivation do they use to get a reaction like that? How do you not feel like a gigantic ass, as an adult actor, screaming in the face of an adorable toddler?

Blackmail Canary. Genius.

"Dude, Nikki's Deadshot."
"Who the hell is Nikki?"

I bet a space blanket would do wonders for Norma's stress.

I was actually eating dinner during that scene. Not for long, tho.

I believe it was "Vanguard Law." Because I have a "condition" and trivial shit like that is my space blanket.

Reverse Flashology.

That could have had some serious Orange Is The New Black crossover potential.

Right on. I remember thinking a few seasons ago when Prison Farmer Rick was having qualms about carrying a gun that I would have no such issues. I already wrestle with the urge to punch complete strangers in the face every day for doing stupid things that annoy me, like taking up two seats on the subway or trying to

We share a first name and we share character insights. Spooky! :)

I love Mike so much I would watch an entire 5-season spin-off series of him just sitting in that parking attendant booth doing crossword puzzles.

No joke, my first thought when Rosita entered the party was, "Why is Abraham hanging out with that teenaged chick who was climbing the walls last episode?"