
No, Ed. That was Carol's abusive husband's name.

Joe: Laura :: Vince: Shambo.

"I'm 32. My hormones have chilled out."

It was originally called "Jello."

"Who ain't had a gun on them in the past year, huh? Hell, I think I would piss my pants if some stranger came walking up with his mitts in his pockets. That'd be the son of a bitch you would really want to be scared of." — Merle Dixon

I mean, it WAS baby food, amirite?

Dude, Tara and Eugene had the best lines of the night!

I can't believe I just Google translated that name at work…

I believe we spell it "cweepy" here.

It was Gareth's mom's Bible - the name inside was "Mary."

My device was "ask mask stem stat." (Axe SKull MASK Sun TEMple STATue) I was pretty proud of it.

Or tell them you're a chess grandmaster. The demographic is probably about the same.

Yep. Consistently bland.

So socialized medicine is equivalent to rape. Got it. Good to know.

That makes no sense. The lollipop is not the medicine, it's the reward for being good - you said it yourself. That scene was so clearly a metaphor for rape, it's almost laughable that you read anything else into it.

It was the Beth of times, it was the blurst of times.

Hell would be a continuous loop of Beth pronouncing words that end in "-ing."

Upvote to infinity. I've never understood this either.

I'm convinced not only is Eugene lying, but Abraham and Rosita were also never in the military and are just cosplaying. I mean c'mon, that moustache? Those pigtails?