It's weird how she mentions her Masters Degree - which she got a week before he died. She mentioned it before ANY of his accomplishments.
It's weird how she mentions her Masters Degree - which she got a week before he died. She mentioned it before ANY of his accomplishments.
SO Gone Girl! You hit it on the head
I forgot about that scene in To Die For; thanks for reminding me! Someone on Twitter posted a link to her husband's obituary which she must have written because it's all about her:
Can we talk about how absolutely in-over-his-head Chris is? Wow. I mean, the look on his face after hearing "the story" is like, "Oh, you want to make out now? Ok.. well I'm kinda thinking about your dead husband at the moment but.. ok.." His little country brain literally cannot process all the crazy.
I wonder if Kelsey one of those people who believes that because she was successful in a previous relationship, it should make her more appealing to future partners?—"My husband didn't break up with me, he died! If he hadn't been tragically taken from this mortal plane, he would still be with me and I wouldn't be…
Check out her husband's weird obit, which I am sure she wrote because it is mostly about her.
I hate to armchair diagnose (lies-I do it all the time) but she seems really, really, really into herself and her story. To the point where maybe she should talk to someone about that.
Can you imagine how her husband's family feels watching her use his death opportunistically on this show. I knew I saw a glint of something when they were first doing the intros in episode one.
Also, maybe 300k was a bit of an over estimate. I've never worked in a club in major city and figured the money was significantly better. And yes, dancer absolutely deserve workers rights. The problem is the vast majority of dancers want to remain independent contractors. Very few of them want to have to file and…
Sanderson Poe? Was she married to a mint julep-drinking Southern writer who was obvs in the closet?
Kelsey's diction and speaking voice creep me the fuck out. When she said "Or it's possible that they continued to delve into the wondrous lands of physical affection and smashing their faces together," I wanted to puke - she articulates things in unusual ways, using bigger words and unusual sentence structure where…
I wear widowhood as a badge of honor. I was there until death do us part. No one can take that away from me.
Neither? I have a good memory for random trivia like that?
Dancers in Portland aren't even paid an hourly wage, and in fact are required to pay "stage fees" and in some instances tip out djs and bouncers. They rely solely on tips for income.
100-300k a year on 3 days a week is a FAR stretch.. I'm surprised people think Portand (God, or even Vegas!) has that much money going through clubs per dancer; it's rather laughable and further implies to the negative notional that since we make what is commonly an uneducated guess of money, that we don't need rights…
In fairness to DaCorsi, it's awful easy to get complacent when your business model enables you to charge your labor force to show up to work.
She's been sick ;( She has graves disease which apparently takes a lot out of you physically. Hopefully this means she's gotten better.
Missy didn't steal the show. She owned it.
Like. Missy can come on stage and perform songs that are legit 15 years old and it still blow all of Katy's generic ass pop music and lack luster vocals out of the water. It's ridiculous.
all the 80's babies collectively shat themselves as soon as Missy came on