Because Why

Ooh ooh I can actually answer this. Some big brands have agencies that trawl the Internet for any mention of their name. So if someone who used to work there actually said something bad about them, it would be pretty easy for them to find out. And I guess if they had the motivation to, they could sue that person!

It's Danbury. You know who owned Danbury? MARTHA. Because she's a BAMF. Theresa will prolly get shoved in the shower a few times because she's not savvy enough to make bruschetta in a contraband toaster for her fellow felons, like Martha, who knew how to play the game and forever cemented hero status.

Holy kinja freak out! I have no idea why I my reply showed up 70,000 times. Please feel free to dismiss the extras, it's too late for me to delete them!

I suspect people are trying to get around their managers or Store Police that have google alerts set up with "Olive Garden". Since most places will fire your ass if you mention who you work form (or if they figure out you are commenting online at all tbh)

I just don't get it. When people make a conscious effort to do things like this, it drives me up the wall.

It's always for the milk? Because whenever I hear someone ordering a small coffee in a large cup I assume they are going to duck around a corner and pour half a flask of whiskey into that jank. And that's something we should all get behind.

Interesting use of a photo.

Next time I go to a Japanese restaurant I'm going to point at the tempura and say "Gimme one of them free lattes."

I agree and I'm thankful my partner respects me so much- especially because I have a host of other super fun medical problems that cause issues such as 24/7 nausea and tension headaches and I get a pass whenever I want one! Luckily there are nights every so often when I am able to indulge my partner and it really does

A sound machine- get down to the soothing sounds of rainstorms and babbling brooks.

Don't accidentally press the "heartbeat" button though, it's a real boner killer.

Your description of your circumstance was so close to real life for me I had to check some of your other posts to make sure you weren't actually my wife. As the potential other husband in this scenario I can tell you outright - sure, it's frustrating sometimes baby. But you know what is worse? Not being with my best

ooooh, infighting.

I have been wondering about this since the day I started doing these.

Thank you for responding the Chairman Kaga so positively. So many people online basically tell men in these situations to STFU. He's obviously in an unhappy situation, and you were supportive despite also being supportive of his wife.

Now that I've gotten so many responses, I'm starting to think these long gaps in sex aren't as abnormal as I thought they were- especially when kids are involved. I too wondered if my marriage would survive and thankfully it did, and I was really the only one worried about that. Nursing takes a major hit on your sex

After our first child my wife had massive post-partum hemorrhaging that required emergency surgery, resulting in a horribly infected episiotomy. It took months to heal, but with massive scarring and nerve damage. Bottom line, we've had sex three times in four years, counting the two children conceived.

If you've agreed to sex, and then you express your desire to stop and the person doesn't stop, it's rape. Feeling icky halfway through sex that you've consented to does not meet the definition of rape. It meets the definition of bad sex, that you should then stop. Phrasing it like you did sounds a lot like the "regret

Being married to someone with a vastly different sex drive can be extremely difficult. In my case, my husband has a normal sex drive and mine has been completely destroyed by anti-depressant use. It's just... gone... and switching meds never brought it back. In addition I have vaginismus so sex is also painful

Is there a particular reason people feel the need to say shit like "rhymes with Shmolive Garden"? Do they think they're clever? Are they afraid of a lawsuit and this is what they'll use in court to defend themselves?

For the mouth part of your face!

suddenly kanye, britney spears and bjork don't look so crazy