Because Why

Mirlitons are the BOMB. I'm jealous.

If you grew up eating it, I can kind of understand. But can you blame the rest of us for thinking that straight up looks like barf?

Dude. Are you being a hater because people are finally doing something about a thing that we all agree is awful? You're mad because the focus of the article is on the NFL because the events happened in the NFL. Can you blame autocorrect for dumb arguments?

So I Googled this movie. I feel much about the movie as I do about the outfit. World War II? Meh, meh, well, ok, not my favorite genre but I maybe can work with it. Biopic? Ok... Seems ok... Coen brothers screenplay? OH DAMN I'm in, love me some Coen bros. But I'm telling you. It better not be her pacing around a room

Ya. I was thinking this too. Like a pair of Banana Republic office shoes circa 2010.

