
I feel like you are hardcore missing the point here. Disrael wasn’t commenting on your specific ability to understand “literature,” any more than Charlie Jane Anders is arguing that you shouldn’t read books that have spawned cliches. Anders is pointing out that cliches are not limited to genre fiction, and that

I have never conceptualized it that way, but wow, that is so accurate. I have totally gotten mad at my future hunger before, or at least tried to block and control it.

I am so glad you’re all saying this, because I am the same way. In fact, I finally gave up on actively dieting, because the whole thing stresses me out so that I inevitably gain weight, and then I feel bad about that and double down on the diet, and it is a whole spiral. When I am chill about my body, I tend to settle

I moved to a different country 5 years ago, so I don’t see my family as often as I used to - even when we skype, it’s not like they are seeing my whole body. Right before I moved, I was depressed and in a rut, and had put on a bunch of weight, which I quickly lost as I adjusted to my happier, healthier new life.

I used to wish I could make a rule that you could only bring high-quality shit you were trying to get rid of to work. I don’t want to eat the fucking candy that even your children don’t want, but if it’s here, I will eat it. How about it’s homemade baked goods or nothing?

This comment thread has really spiralled out, hasn’t it? I personally read your comment as an attempt to cheerfully offer up a practical solution to the problem of feeling crappy and confused, since the overall tone of the article was definitely “bemused at both how one loses weight and whether or not to take weight

See, I do not love going down on my partner. I love giving him pleasure, and I love that he enjoys it, so I do it - and I’d say we are approximately equal in terms of how often we give each other oral - but the actuality of having a penis in my mouth is generally unpleasant for me. It’s gotten a lot better; I used to

You are absolutely right. I still feel viscerally that it’s different, but I think that is something I need to examine in myself, because logically I know that you are right. Although I did roll my eyes at the original article that called Alison Stevenson a hero, and I rolled my eyes at it again here.

My husband and I got together pretty quickly after he and his ex broke up (I mean, we didn’t meet until after they had broken up, but we started dating right away). I’m pretty sure that she cheated on him, but I am less sure that he is aware of this. He generally doesn’t see the bad in people, so...he just might not

Mostly its just luck, I think. If 100 couples get married after two months, it’ll probably work out for one of them. Like, I knew I wanted to marry my husband after two months - I just didn’t, because I am not a nutcase. If I had, it would have worked out the same as if I had waited until I knew him better (like I

What you wanna do is have a baby as soon as possible. That’s sure to keep you together for TWICE as long!

Yeah, I actually don’t mind the ring so much (in theory - in practice, get that fucking thing away from me right now), but this quote

I always think it’s weird because, like...there is already a term to explain that relationship. It’s “partner” (or boy/girlfriend, or spouse, whatever). It’s so weird to feel like you need another term to describe it. If my husband wasn’t my husband, then he would probably be my best friend, but he is my husband, so I

Oh my God. I can’t even be mad, that’s how bad it is. They are creatures from the stars. From the fucking stars. And that is represented by starlings, because creativity. I am so happy.

I’m with you on not really liking the tone of this article shitting on this particular guy if he doesn’t want to.

I mean, I do think it is true to some degree. Like, my partner and I can have mutually enjoyable sex if I don’t go down on him, but we cannot have mutually enjoyable sex if he doesn’t go down on me (or otherwise stimulate me, but oral sex works best). I still do go down on him, because I like to make him feel good,

I personally didn’t used to like it until I had a partner who legitimately enjoyed it and would request to stay down there longer, after I had faked an orgasm so he would stop. It kind of got me out of my own head, so that I was able to actually orgasm from oral sex.

I mean, we just clearly disagree on this. If you talk frankly to your partner about what you want, and they say they need time to think about it, I think it is perfectly reasonable to then say, “OK, but you can’t have forever, so let’s set a reasonable time frame.” And if the thing you want is non-negotiable for you,

I do agree with that! I’m definitely not saying that a relationship wherein one party is basically lying to the other to string them along is worth saving, but I definitely know that people get involved in less-than-optimal relationships at various points in their lives. I guess my thinking is that ultimatums of the

OK, I see that you are determined to make me out to be a sad, lonely creature in a pathetic, hateful marriage just for the show of it...just like all married people, I I think I will draw the line here.