Body of cake

Karen Kilgariff, yes!!! Any murderinos here?

I haven’t cleaned my mirror in weeks (I find that the mist of water spots gives me a real soft focus look) so I am going to ignore this advice for sanitation reasons.

Are you being serious right now?

Mike Huckabee is the pits. If you find yourself in an argument with someone like him who is the worst, I recommend this study. Bayesian analyses are not exactly simple to understand, but the abstract makes it really clear: “we did the math, and it turns out black men are seriously way more in danger of being killed by

He looks like someone my son would be annoyed with me for not knowing/caring about.

ferns : the feather leaves

‘The client has reached out in regards to some of the messaging. They would really love to have “bratz molly and get trampled at the Bratzadamus EDM set” edited out.’

Now playing

My current favourite HP alumnus is Luke Youngblood (aka Lee Jordan) in Galavant. That winning smile, those pipes!

“Joke theft” is so tricky to me. I’ve made jokes in conversation that I thought were original from my own brain, and someone will say, “nice, you like [comedian]?” and I’ll just be like... “who?” I’ve somehow almost directly quoted comedians I’ve never even heard of. I’m sure this is the case for some cases of

Bette Midler is the kick ass, no fucks given mom/grandmother we all deserve!

The difference is, salad has some stuff in it that’s good for you.

And I wonder what would be the best way for veterans to get the health care they need? BY THE VERY REFORMS THAT REPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR FUCKING DECADES!

Sarah, the only ways the troops aren’t being supported are the ways that actually matter - healthcare, rehabilitation (physically, mentally, emotionally), resources for a successful integration back into society...


I totally agree. Also, the more Bieber looks like a woman, the more my straight ass is attracted to him... Highly confusing ?


I’m searching my memory, and I don’t recall any celebrity death that has given me such a sense of sadness. Not in a very long time, at any rate. There couldn’t have been a more perfect person to play Professor Snape, or any of his characters, really. I’m just.... ugh. Let’s drink.

Exactly what it is like. They should be sitting around a couch talking about the lessons they all learned while their sassy housekeeper keeps cracking wise in the background until finally the lisping little kid says something like “Yeah, the press sure did WIG out over that!” they all laugh, cue credits over the laugh

Years ago I used to say “wouldn’t it be cool of we were born with pockets on our bodies - you know like kangaroos?” That’s around the time people started looking at me "in that way."