
Unfortunately, seasoned story producer here, this is all too common at many production companies. I’ve recently decided to just not do it anymore after having kids. I was getting interviews where they were like ‘we expect you to work six to seven days’ and ‘you should feel comfortable staying until 10 pm or later most

talk of previous violent incidents, expression of paranoia, overreaction to workplace changes, unstable/emotional responses, feeling of arrogance/supremacy, intense anger/hostility, violations of policy, exploiting/blaming others

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”

Somewhere, Pence tents his fingers, awaiting the inevitable impeachment proceedings.

Nunes is doing everything to assure his own political destruction. When Trump inevitably goes down in disgrace, as he will, Nunes will be remembered for trying to feed Trump inside info on the hearings (without alerting the committee) precisely when he should be prosecuting him. What a short-sighted tool.

Resting rich face.

You’re right. And yet, all reality shows of this type, gay or straight, pretty much feature uniformly awful people—production companies go out of their way to find these kind of people, so it’s not an accident.

We will be launching a new health insurance company where you can trade iPhones for coverage. No cracked screens, please.

Anything that causes him stress helps. Anything that forces him to froth at the mouth and spout lies for all the world to see helps. Anything that makes him look foolish helps. It won’t convince the die hards but it puts even more pressure on the Republicans and keeps our resistance reminded why we have to fight.

This has happened in the last 2 days: It came out that Sessions had 2 meetings with the Russian Ambassador during the campaign, then lied about it under oath to the Senate (that part’s the felony).

I take no joy in this. Despise the woman but I do feel for her children who never asked for this.

I’m going to agree, but also go with giving credit where credit is due. She objected and that’s like a bazillion times more than I expected from her in the first place.

The enemy of my enemy is my newspaper.

Yep, my 16 year old sister confirmed that this is because they are hyper aware of their online presence and want to be in control of it. It’s also a signal to your friends not to tag you either, which I get but...why are you posing for a picture in the first place? Why not just decline the photographer or turn your

To be fair, he’s only getting an early start because his impeachment will inevitably slow things down, re: campaigning.

I don’t know who any of these people are, pretty much. Ok, I know like 4 of these people. I am still terribly old.

We truly do live in the Golden Age of Enwhitenment.

Oh, hell ladies...I’LL wear a red floral dress, high heels and flamenco dance with castanets on his grave!

I am just going to remind everyone - since it’s sort of dropping off the rage radar - that the Russian government colluded with the Trump campaign to steal the election with the purpose of weakening America to the point that Russia could destroy NATO and re-assert control over Europe. They didn’t do it because they

In a way, this highlights why there are almost zero undocumented immigrants voting illegally. No one would be willing to risk deportation for such a potentially high profile crime.