Insider knowledge ;)
Launches in theaters in NYC, then rolls out from there, then will air on on POV on PBS September 17.
Insider knowledge ;)
Launches in theaters in NYC, then rolls out from there, then will air on on POV on PBS September 17.
He will, of course, observe it by golfing for the umpteen-millionth day since he’s been in office.
To be fair, he meant “take them out” of the specific proposal.
Not that it at all lessens any of the rest of the shit he said.
Nonononono . . . Tates are the BEST!! Haven’t gotten the ones at Costco, but the ones avail in my neighborhood are my favorite must-have cookie.
(There is a Tates cookie cookbook, btw)
From your mouth to God’s ears . . .
Excellent soundtrack for reading the NYT live feed from the inauguration.
And seriously, Jezebel . . .”allegedly”? They friggin’ videotaped themselves doing it.
To be fair, this is pretty damn sickening, and let’s face it, if it were white folks doing the torturing, it hella would have been all over the news.
You know, whether there were other stories that “mattered more”—to you—or not.
I’m a good Northeastern liberal media elite, but it’s boggling my mind the way some folks…
On a positive note, it’s nice to see the lightbulb going on in men’s minds that reproductive rights aren’t *just* a women’s issue. #silverlinings
I’m surprised he hasn’t been named to a cabinet position yet!
Oh, this is a Ted Nugent wet dream. You can bet he’ll be there.
Heartiest congratulations to you on your sobriety—which is no small thing. Rock on with your very bad self.
White as they come, and this is one of my faves.
I’ve directed HHI.