
If women are the ones who are overly emotional, why are you whining about something that they’re dealing with every month?

A “curated” Spotify list? For the love of all that is holy, can we stop misusing the word curated?? I was married to a fucking curator. He didn’t make playlists - he ran a museum.

Yep. We also focus our efforts on changing the behaviors of those being oppressed rather than those doing the oppressing.

That “black lives matter” so quickly gets mentally translated into “black men matter” is less a product of racism than one of sexism. We live in a society that frequently devalues the rights and existence of women. Issues that affect men are social issues; issues that affect women are “women’s” issues. That black men

It’s important to me to get other black women to assert how important we are, how much WE, too, need to be protected and/or avenged. So often, I see other sistas talk about how they treat “our men” and how they fear for their sons when we are victimized by the system as well and our daughters could be the next Sandra,

What’s the value of that comment to a 16 year old girl?

You have no idea. Most people in Wisconsin don’t, either. Walker dropped out of college to become a politician. Becoming President is his whole goal.

If we elect a president who openly refers to women and “pig” and “bimbo” I really might have to move to Saudi Arabia for better respect.

I don’t need an aphrodisiac. I need someone to have sex with. That would be great.

Why is eating meat inherently unethical? Lots of animals eat meat, how human animals different?

Ohhhhhhhhhhkay. So, I can totally get behind careful consideration of the ethics of the food and products we consume. I am all about this. But I am not a vegetarian, and I am not a vegetarian, in part, because of ethical concerns. 1) Our entire food system is fucked up. A lot of human labor is involved in the

Between yoga workouts, a privileged white woman wipes off her cucumber facial scrub, sets down her glass of Prosecco, and widens her eyes at her latest brilliant epiphany.

Firstly, everyone has an opinion and can share one. You have just done so. What is your background that makes you an expert in this subject, either who can or cannot share an opinion or whether sex work should be decriminalized? I don’t mean this as a dig, I mean this as merely something worth pointing out.

“But fear not: learned gender studies scholars like Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, and Kevin Kline are here to tell you that it’s a bad idea.”

not sure celebrities’ opinions are any less valid than say, the writers of jezebel articles.

“[We are] deeply troubled by Amnesty’s proposal to adopt a policy that calls for the decriminalization of pimps, brothel owners and buyers of sex — the pillars of a $99 billion global sex industry.”

So being a rich and famous teen means you don’t get the protection and support you need from the adults around you. That means it’s okay for an older man to take advantage of you, because you are special and different. Nevermind that wealth, fame, and exposure do not make you inherently more mature or capable of

Now playing

What happened to Khloe? One moment she was saying that men who go after minors are disgusting, now she’s condoning her teenage sister going out with an older man because she’s a “special case”? Just because she’s a rich and famous teenager doesn’t mean she should be living her life like an adult. Amber was right. The

Because I am going to keep saying it until this bullshit stops:

I think you’re just going to have to date a fire elemental, sorry.