no shit, it’s a little on the Nabokov side for my taste.
no shit, it’s a little on the Nabokov side for my taste.
Can a 15 year old “ha[ve] an affair with her mother’s 35-year-old boyfriend”? I thought we had a more appropriate name for that...
this is trolling but honestly it sounds great to me.
brb calling the cops
I wonder if Simon’s asshole ever gets jealous of all the shit that comes out of his mouth?
Sojourner Truth. Every time I have a shitty day as a woman and I’m worn down from it all, I read her “Ain’t I A Woman?” speech and feel strong. And powerful. And it helps.
That’s why I use a tape measure for a belt. I don’t get ready, I STAY ready.
For people who like to ask WWJD and claim to be His followers, they sure seem to forget about the words and the spirit behind the phrase “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”
Personally I hope this passes. And then I hope a Hindu or Muslem CEO of a large corporation uses this law to publicly fire all their Christian employees so I can watch all the Republican’s heads explode.
“...There might have been racism way back then with the slavery and everything else but that’s all in the history.”
The indignities this president has had to deal with are mind boggling. More power to him - I’m not sure I could handle it.
Little did she know that she’s showing the ultimate of white privilege by making an exhibit out of a dead black person. #StopWhitePeople2015
No, I’m far from a Republican. Saying that the individual’s opinion matters over the benefit of the many makes you sound like a NeoCon Libertarian, which I do realize most of Jezebel’s readership is. It’s more akin to me saying that people should (for a variety of reasons - ethics, compassion, environment – so also…
i agree. but we don’t live in a society where women and men are treated the same. we live in a society where even men in prison are accorded more rights than women. there are many women who report assaults in prison, only to end up in segregated housing or moved to maximum security prisons, even though their crimes…
Agreed. That line of thinking supports the idea that some people “deserve” to be raped and it’s just a matter of where you draw the line, which is not an idea I can support in any way. No one deserves to be raped, and supporting it as part of state-sanctioned punishment is sick. We should be better than that.
Thank you. I work in community mental health and every day I feel enraged by what I see—and who I am in the process. Yes, I care enormously about my clients, and yes, I think I’ve done some good, but who the fuck cares if a kid can use mindfulness techniques when he can’t get a job and has a 1/3 chance of ending up in…
I have not heard the NPR story, although I will listen to it. I just want to second what you said about cash. I am a legal aid attorney and so many of my clients’ problems would disappear if they had higher monthly incomes.
"Resilience" is very much the leftist "bootstraps."
Two years ago, I was hired as a campaign coordinator for a community initiative in South L.A. I got the job because…
It’s sad the level of vitriol this has accumulated.