
My bathroom was “broken”

We can duck and cover in the corner together. I thought the pregnancy pics were a bit over the top but this is beyond.

These photos are embarrassing, get over yourself.

it is very important to continue to create new uses for old and new words that make no sense because. Or something.

Okay, I have to ask it. What is all this nonsense use of the word “clapped” I keep seeing all over the place. Christie Brinkley “clapped” her car doors? She gave them a round of applause? I keep seeing all these headlines “Minor celebrity ‘clapped’ back at fat shamers.” I picture people aggressively applauding their

I feel like the fact that there is a person known nationally as “hot convict” should be included as an early predictor of Trump winning the 2016 election in future textbooks.

No, but it does remind me of the Ancestry ad where the wife refers to her husband’s grandfather as “our” ancestor (and also, dude, how did you not know your own grandfather changed his name? According to the family tree they flash up, Grandma is still alive, ffs.). Drives me insane.

I love seeing smoking in film. I fell back into smoking after quitting for a little bit and goddamn people treat you like fucking shit if you’re a smoker. Even if you’re a courteous smoker who doesn’t smoke around other people. If they have ANY idea that you smoke they immediately shun you. I think people hate smokers

Like, good for them and all, but I’m just saying that, personally, I’d like to be mourned for more than a couple few months kthx.

There are a lot of commenters in the greys noting that men have to wear suits and ties in these environments, which I think is a relevant comparison, especially if we’re planning to use “it’s so hot in DC” as a rationale.

Yeah, I have two minds about this. Pretty sure the majority of female attorneys I know wouldn’t wear open toe shoes or sleeveless dresses in court. My firm isn’t super conservative and I wouldn’t wear sandals to work. But if this is just Ryan’s arbitrary decision (as opposed to a policy in writing in an employee

This entire situation is ugly, and messy, and everyone is terrible. The sexual harassment, the manipulation, the predatory behavior, greed, exploitation of body image/self-esteem issues, the blatant misogyny, and capitalizing off of a child.

That song makes me never want to hear the word “America” again.

My Roots in this country go back 80 years. Thank god it’s not longer or I’d be really fucking ashamed.

I can’t get past the title of that movie. Is the driver a baby? Is it about someone who has a baby shuttle service? And the words themselves sound strange together.

Sir is a title, not a name, for chrissakes.

I think you’ve hit upon the slogan for the PR campaign for the Senate healthcare bill!

I know a lot of people around here worship all things Mariah, but it seems like everything around her is a big production and she must just be exhausting to gave to deal with, especially if you are one of the little people.

Let’s get real here: we are not going to survive this.

Literally everything about this man is gross and embarrassing. He has zero redeeming qualities to save us from this horrible shitshow of a presidency. Jesus fucking Christ can it please be over already?