Tried to get through the first episode of season 10, and lost interest about halfway through. I’ve always wondered if I was missing out an anything spectacular, but it appears that I wasn’t missing much!
Tried to get through the first episode of season 10, and lost interest about halfway through. I’ve always wondered if I was missing out an anything spectacular, but it appears that I wasn’t missing much!
Part of the reason I deactivated my Facebook is that I was sick to death of everyone’s mom and baby posts
Fuck anyone who has voted GOP since Reagan ate the monkey brains of trickle down economics.
I am going to love the sticker shock Schadenfreude for all the Appalachia Trump supporters from my neck of Ohio (where he won 75% of the vote.) You get the government you deserve.
Not surprised Kelly pissed her pants considering how thirsty for attention she is.
We didn’t become this country since cheeto was inaugurated. He as elected and inaugurated because we are this kind of country.
“I would tell you, from my perspective that there’s certainly no news that Carrie did drugs,” Todd Fisher said. He noted that his sister wrote extensively about her drug use, and that many of the drugs she took were prescribed by doctors to try to treat her mental health conditions.
This sucks for Emmy, always been a huge fan of hers.
I just can’t do it. When they put their hands into the food and then lick their fingers or run around touching everything and everyone... *shudders*
People keep telling me that one day I will find kids cute and want one.
Given that nearly none of the readers and authors of this site were even alive during the height of the hippie influence on SF, I’m going to say, “no.”
In related news, someone at Sandy Hook Promise Foundation thought it would be a good idea to have Megyn Kelly host their gala.
Help me understand why we’re hating on this young woman? Help me understand why it’s okay to be so critical of her trying to earn a living? Help me understand why she doesn’t deserve to be happy and working?
Im sure youd feel the same if she made your son kill himself.
I notice that Aaron Rodgers’ family spends a lot of time talking to the press about this beef. Also, despite that relationship being over, it doesn’t seem like they’ve reconciled. I’m going to go out on a limb and suspect there’s more to the rift than them not liking his girlfriend.
Kids have always been assholes (not yours I’m sure). ETA: What I mean is the Lord of the Flies was accurate in its depiction that kids can be cruel and heartless. We are just paying attention because they feel safe being shitheads out in the open right now.
I might have been defensive. Just in case you don’t realize it— “calm down” has never caused anyone to calm down. I don’t care about you enough to get upset. I am truly glad you were able to get your condition under control and the hunt for a doctor who understands is usually a nightmare, one that gets worse…
Same. It got worse when they started controlling drugs that weren’t “controlled” before. My rheumatologist isn’t covered by my insurance, either, so these extra visits get very, very pricey.
Same. Don’t want to bore anyone with the details, but I’ve had almost 20 blood clots and they have ruined the veins in my legs leaving me with something called Post Thrombotic Syndrome. And now I have hereditary osteoarthritis in my sacro-iliac joints. I think it’s in my hips now too. I take a very low dose of…
And who TAKE THEM AS PRESCRIBED. Not crushed and snorted or chewed up in handfuls with a shot or two of hooch. Or who use them as a second source of income.