
What, no tip of the hat to Phyllis Schlafly by these grifters? She invented this shit, leaving her husband at home with the kids while she went from city to city and podium to podium, explaining how it was a woman’s job to stay home and look after the kids.

Republicans are the American Taliban. These people are ruthless zealots and must be stopped.

The Harrison Ford link takes you to Pammy’s (adorable) Vogue piece. Just FYI.

This poor woman does not deserve this attention.

American conservatism kills people.

Honestly, she sticks out the sore thumb she is.  She looks nothing like the other “ladies”, wrong color scheme and is like 6-8 inches shorter.  I’m a dude and, I would have cropped her out too.  

“Since taking office 200 years ago...”

Obama is giving the people what they did not ask for, a memoir drop date. [Forbes]”

That’s what it all boils down to. That right there is the MAGA rallying cry. 

respect my rights and no one else’s

I was trying to figure out why this had so few comments before I realized it was only posted half an hour ago and during dinnertime.

Even if we get a Biden landslide, we will see a rather effective push to suppress and discredit the results that will leave the situation in question for weeks or months, while Trump and his cronies ramp up the corruption. That is literally our best case scenario.

Also the “song writing” is the part she keeps getting sued over or accused of ripping other people’s stuff on, so it’s also going “that part’s the only good part, because she isn’t doing it”.

Not to be all Lena about it, but if my ex immediately started dating a model, it would fuck with my self-esteem big time.

I’m not saying there’s nothing noteworthy or newsworthy, I’m saying the headline is misleading and does not accurately reflect the content of the article.

Not familiar with these games but the way it is described in the post it sounds like a pedo training simulator.

Henri is the BEST!

That’s one of the things that bothers me the most about Trump’s understanding of grammar; it’s not the fragmented sentences or random interjections, but the seemingly randomized decision to capitalize letters.

They really are! She had her own little bed for daytime naps (pictured) but at night she felt like a part of me :).

I agree with a lot of this but florals are growing on me.