
Dead Space 2 and Mass effect 2. Both of those games blew me away first time through them.  Good times.

Im a UT fan, so i may be/am biased, but i think Bone was widly underrated. He might have better NBA career than the other two Vols drafted before him. He basically was the general of the team, he got people in the right spots and his assist to TO ratio was crazy good. I really hope im right and he does well.

Prototype was a good time. There’s just something about elbow dropping tanks that i couldn’t get enough of.

Story could be bad, but ill give From the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the game play. Odds are itll be fun to play at least.  That can help a mediocre story, imo.

Gotta say, pretty excited for a new From and a new Tales game. Tales graphics def look alot better, good stuff so far.

Yeah you’d think gamers would have a bit more empathy for the devs, its not like they set out to make a buggy game with some bad design decisions. Especially considering the fact that game devs have shitty work hours. I mean you can be disappointed in the product and still be reasonable toward the people who made it.

There is a clear difference bewtween engaging constructively with a developer and being toxic. If you buy a game and aren’t pleased that’s fine. Telling the devs they are lazy, incompetent or any other derogatory remark does not offer anything other than hate towards people trying to do their job. Bioware didnt set

Prindel is great. In fact, i like most of the NPCs and their stories in the game. I really liked the bartenders story line. I agree with you though, the game is hella fun. Ive got 50 plus in it and i’m not planning on slowing down. My only major complaint is i just wish you could go back to the mission select screen

Man, you may have sold me on it. ME:A had some issues, but the combat was really fun. If its more like that just ramped up, damn that’d be a good time. I may drop 5 bucks for Origin basic just to try it out for 10 hours. Thanks for the info!

My biggest issue with the demo/closed alpha was the gunplay didn’t have much heft and shooting an enemy didn’t feel punchy at all, like, it felt too smooth. K/M flying was also pretty bad. Have those been improved? Ive heard is like ME:A mp ramped up now, if so i might grab this up.

my biggest problem with the demo/closedalpha was the gunplay was not as satisfying as it could have been. Guns didnt feel “punchy” enough. The flying on m/k wasn’t all that great either, have these aspects been improved? I really dug ME:A mp, if its more like that i may grab this up.

That fight was hard even after my group had cleared A12S. We went back after everyone was BIS to just work on mechanics until Stormblood came out and it was still somewhat of a struggle.

yeah...ive been trying for a week to get the base version down. Seems like every group i come across cant get past the 2nd part of the fight. IF we somehow manage it the 4th part just tops us off. Ive even been playing with people who have beaten him and have the damn gear. His meteor attack has a very sketchy hit box

it feels like the difficulty ramps up after you get off the island. save for a couple island enounters, i pretty much handled everything.

Divinity:orignal sin 2 has me hooked harder then maybe any RPG ive played in the last 10 years, game is great.

My dream E3 announcement is Bloodborne 2. I dount it’ll happen, but damn thats what i want.

I doubt it will happen, but id LOVE a bloodborne 2 announcement.

So the FF12 remake isnt coming to pc?

i dont get hyped for many video games, but this one gets me revved up haha. I hope it actually comes out in March, although i am skeptical.

Does the game Fps lock at 30 like Zestiria?