
yeah i love em too, kinda sucks it feels that way for you. I understand on some level. i didnt really get hooked until the first Lord, i cant remember his name, Legion of Farron or something. When he sets his sword on fire that fight gets real flashy haha. That was when it hooked me. I really enjoyed that boss. Hope

Man it gets better, it might be my favorite dark souls tbh. Bloodborne is amazing though.

My group just finished A12s for the first time 4 weeks ago(2 ninja weapon drops in 4 kills and we dont even have a frickin ninja) Our healers claim that it has one of the hardest healing mechanics in the game. When all the AOE’s go out during the puddle phase, i think its called holy bleed. The hardest part for our

That guy is unreal. Just wow.

i read that out loud in an Asian accent and it took me a minute to stop laughing, nice one.

thats the best thing ive seen in awhile

Gonna play some FF14, just getting into the savage content with some guildes. Seen Tales of Zestiria is on a steam sale, might pick that up and see what its all about.

i like it, alot. Get some survival horror back into RE.

Exactly, people who say its a reskin must have only played for like 10 minutes or something. i mean, the destruction alone changes the way the game plays. Feels more like BC2 in a WW1 setting, love the fact you can tear up buildings and blow craters in the ground. My favorite thing is no more freaking skyscrapers.

For me that was Red Dead Redemption. Played all the way through and finished it before i realized i wasnt having any fun.


Me too man, i loved the first two. The third one wasnt as good, but had its moments, would love to see a new one go back to its horror roots.

dude, i have problems being any kind of good at that game. Im solid at mp games usually, but damn im bad at UC4 mp lol

Finished with the new PC build, so gonna play The Witcher 3 now that i have a machine that can run it properly. Played it some on my old build but crashed every time i stepped anywhere near Novigrad. So looks like im gonna be doing what my gf likes to call “Witcher bitchin” this weekend haha.