
Next they’ll both be fined by Goodell for not fighting over Bose, the official headphone supplier of the NFL.

*Brian Griffin

Does he have a flask in there?

In college, I had a finance professor tell me that “if you have a client who wants to invest in social responsibility, tell them that you’d be breaking the law managing their money that way.”

“Socially responsible” mutual funds have not only underperformed the S&P since their inception but have badly underperformed the

This is a joke, right? It’s laughable. What about Anheuser Busch or Miller Brewing Company? What about GM or Toyota? You Ms. Horn are a misguided blogger, which is an all too common occurrence. There is NOTHING wrong with supporting the aforementioned firearms companies. Go live in France if you believe in that

Baker was so unaware of the alleged Chapman incident that he wrapped up his press conference by announcing that if no one had any more questions, he would be leaving in order to make it on time to tonight’s John Lennon concert.

Not the most gruesome weightlifting footage I’ve seen by a longshot.

30 years from now, people will ask where you were on November 30th, 2015, when the Ravens beat the Browns, and the entire world will say:

They’re now calling him Tony Oh No!

Several years ago, my ex wife was going to her work Christmas party. I wasn’t feeling well so I just dropped her off and told her to call when she was ready to come home.

I’m just going to leave this here....

The Panthers are America’s greatest 9-1 team and despite their one loss, they’re playing great. One Nation! One Team! One Loss!

Sometimes what doesnt kill you probably should have just killed you.

“Looks clean to me.”

I make jokes at strangers’ funerals. It's not the life I chose but it's the life I lead.

Flutie’s dad was long rumored to have a better arm than Doug, but who knew his mother was also better at passing.

Found on ebay:

2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.