The dog thought that he was being dropped into a Jets game.
The dog thought that he was being dropped into a Jets game.
Great discussion here, although I wonder where Jeff Passan stood on this. Jeff's not really a particularly good journalist, so maybe he has found his real calling.
Who gives a shit about the rest of America? The guy is entitled to his opinion.
Since Nick Denton isn't black, I guess you have to make a case about Torii's thoughts about marriage (which is still what most people believe) vs. his supporting a white male Republican.
He tried to one up Oscar Tavares, just like he tried to one up Mark McGuire, and failed both times.
Ned Yost is also known as John Kerry's favorite Red Sox player in 2004.
Keith Olbermann is spot on here. One thing that will come out later is it just shows how powerful Harvey Levin truly is.
I wonder when they will have the Ray Rice edition?
Colby Lewis looks like he's been taking the same shit that Ron Washington was several years ago...yet he resembles a badass Will Ferrell.
The pitcher was smiling after he hit it because he probably threw him a meatball. I'm sure there was no Derek Jeter/Adam Wainright type controversy over this pitch. BTW, it does look like the original Nintendo Baseball, except with real people.
I think it's fantastic to read about each of these key events that leads up to our commercial airline system of today, which is incredibly safe. The FAA has done a great job of investigating each failure and implementing measures to make the system better, even in a rapidly changing business landscape. Great write…
Much like most of the Gawker staff, Anderson takes it in the Pooper.
It would be interesting to have a third place game in the NFL. Last year, can you imagine having the Niners play the Pats on Saturday Night? Or maybe in place of the Pro Bowl? I think it would be huge.
Great question I have around each of these the English language feed the only one that doesn't yell out "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAALLLL"? If that's the case, we need to get Ian Darke up to speed.
I just got a company-issued Z30 last week, and what a heap of crap. It's nearly impossible to navigate around and even do simple tasks, like use it to dial. I hope they die in a fire soon so we can get some real phones.
L is for Loser.
Wow, exchange one crazy guy who thinks his business model from the 1950s still works with another crazy guy who thinks his business model from 1990s still works. Brilliant. The Clippers are doomed.
He was doing his best Sid Fernandez.
That includes your provider. So if your email ends in or, you are really old!
A bad workman always blames his tools (of ignorance)...even when they are someone else's.