Vaginafication Nation

Fuck those little racist, incel fucks. If you wear a MAGA hat, you are a fucking racist piece of shit. You will be treated accordingly.

Of course when I found out that one of trump’s White House senior counsel is a Covington graduate, it all made much more sense.

MCU really nailed the casting

Not just an inaccurate police report, a falsified one. Like, fine I can understand mistakes are made. But this wasn’t a mistake. This was a coverup.

Never forget, Watson and Crick couldn’t figure out how DNA worked from first principles (ie math and reasoning) so they cheated - they found out that Rosalind Franklin had managed to essentially take a picture of it, stole her research and used it without permission and without credit, and then took that massive hint

Hair volume may not exceed 2 inches away from the head? natural hair at all, then? 

I think anyone who wants to understand this needs to be real about the extent to which men of color are complicit with white men and women in wanting to prioritize the lives and health of men of color over those of WOC.

Yeah, seriously. This weekend was yet another reminder of how shitty our media is. Cooper’s generally one of the less-shitty ones, but his performance here was awful. Ditto the whole Chris Wallace thing on Fox... like, yeah, I get why it’s a big deal, but it kind of sets our current situation into stark relief when

As an aside I want to point out how infuriating the media can be at times. Cooper asks her if Trump is a racist. First of all, why ask her that? You’re a journalist, go find the fuck out and report it. He’s not interested in informing us, he’s interested in generating conflict to drive ratings. And to drive that point

She should not address him directly. When the political horse race enthusiasts at CNN et al. ask her about some awful, racist thing that Orange shit for brains said to insult her, she should just state his policies, how they are hurting us all and what we can do to fix them.

I’m not a lawyer but it seems like if ever there is someone who does NOT want to invite the discovery process into his life, it is R. Kelly.

At this point I truly dont have any other explanation other than American law enforcement is purposely trolling minorities (and blacks in particular because its always us on the bottom of this shit) in order to prompt us to riot so marshall law gets declared and they can just mow us down with impunity and I think most

“Birth of Penus.”

these two guys look like they simply came into being on a lacrosse field, fully formed

False Police Report, False Representation of Police Statement, False 911 Call and various other charges are pending.”

But Proud Boys aren’t allowed to masturbate; it’s in their bylaws and everything!