Vaginafication Nation

My god. You deserve this star and quite possibly a case of decent alcohol. As do I after reading all of that.

^^ This, Hachi. So much ^^

Imagine his dismay when he realized the Council didn’t provide a catalog to order side-pieces from.

I love everything about this comment.

LARPing for keeps, just to pass the time.....

A woman, no matter where she is on her journey; capable, confident, at the top; curious, middling, finding her way; or at the bottom, at the end of her tether,

Really? Because I think it lets a man feel superior in his choices. “I sure showed her!”


More stars.

If it walks like a duck......


Did this story involve you in a suit, getting harassed outside a bank?

It’s his Mirror of Erised.

Charges are fine. Charges are great, but what we need are findings. They aren’t being charged with murder, which ???, but O.K.. Making false statements (lying) should be easy. The ideal would be obstructing justice. That might have consequences. I think it will be false statements with nonexistent sentences of

The big problem for them is that this is going to hit a lot of their voters, and I think they don’t know that. I think they believe that old right-wing myth (best expressed by Mitt Romney) that people getting assistance from the government vote for Democrats. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are Republicans. And