Vaginafication Nation

“I asked Miss Rosa Parks [in 1988] why didn’t she go to the back of the bus, given the threat that she could be hurt, pushed off the bus, and run over, because three other ladies did get up. She said she thought about going to the back of the bus. But then she thought about Emmett Till and she couldn’t do it.”

No, no! It was funny. And then it wasn’t. O_O oldest witnessed it. Her brother. I’m pretty sure we are all just over it, ya know?

Edit: my kids are OBSESSED with putting clothes on animals. I through it, I guess.

That’s what I’m saying.

Well, if we weren’t a developing country before, WE CERTAINLY ARE NOW.

“It’s tough enough being a cop nowadays,” Wold said.”

King Joffrey Baratheon vanquishes another enemy! A feast!

“Officer Andre Sousa can’t seem to move on from his attempted assassination by deadly ‘girl cooties’. More on Team Action News.”

Good news!! JJ’s conscience is clear! Yay!

“wtf is the police academy for then?”

This is unacceptable. This. Is. Unacceptable. THIS IS MOTHERFUCKING UNNACCEPTABLE. This ^^^^^ is what makes parents violent and rightly so.

Wow. You’re kinda sensitive. Maybe we should get you a fainting couch.

I really appreciate all the people here, telling me that her intentions were just very ignorant instead of malicious and antagonistic. Maybe tonight, I’ll finally be able to sleep.

I really thought there would be a few more stops on the ‘protest the trumpster crazy train’ ~before~ self-immolation. Well, I guess we’re there already. Yikes.

Thank you, Damon. We unequivocally did not deserve Michelle Obama. We did not deserve Barack Obama either. But the voters in this country SURE AS SHIT made us ‘deserve’ the orange foolius we are going to get. (Look, it’s the Messiah!) It’s going to be a complete goat rope. I sure hope we can stick together.

you guys should stop using his visage. He just likes himself too much. Use a photo of Alec Baldwin impersonating him with the words ‘a portrayal’ underneath

“On Wednesday, a police officer in Smyrna, Ga., reportedly purchased donuts at a local Krispy Kreme location, and when he received his order, one of the boxes had “Black Lives Matter” written on it in black Sharpie.”

But, but, but, DAMMIT ROOO! Can’t you, FOR ONCE, see things from his perspective!!!