Vaginafication Nation

Well, let me be clear, FUCK THAT GUY.

They’ve taken 8 long years of a black man telling them what to do. They’ll be damned if they are going to let a woman do it for 8 more!

Innocent until proven guilty, hmmmm. Not if I catch him. He’s nothing but guilty. Psychopathy does that. Here’s a better adage, ‘Out with the old, in with the new’.

Perhaps Mr. Trump will give Childs. Sr. a nice job as Rodger Ailes’ assistant.

Wow. A++ trolling. Still makes you a cunt.

Wow. I'd really hate to stereotype her.

Starred because of ‘all the men’ beneath you. May they stay there.

Sam Southward, make more. Brilliant.

I wish I could star this a thousand times. And it wouldn’t even help. Too much ‘othering’ going on.

The powers that be feel that ^this^ is not fit for civilian consumption. Sad!'ll let me know if you *need* anything?

Super helpful. Thanks!

My god.

I was going to come down here and say something completely derogatory about this person. But I'm a professional asshole. And professional assholes just don't.

Me too. I prefer the inside out cat. At least I would be willing to touch it.

Trial and error, trial and error, trial and error. Like most things, I guess. But, the unsolicited comments, both pro and con? That’s like the comments section anywhere. DO NOT READ/DO NOT ENGAGE. Because if you’re stuck with the good, you’re stuck with the bad, and as someone said, people’s opinions are dumb.

I agree. Let's just have some orgasms and think.

Because her life is going to end in a gigantic magic, tragic fire ball and we’re all going to see it coming and still be powerless to stop it.

This is a dog’s name.

Nope. You go down on a former.