Vaginafication Nation

What is the last thing you cooked?


O. K., I'm with you. What is the first thing you would cook if provided heat?

No. No, you cannot ‘cook’ in a microwave. You can heat in a microwave. Heating is NOT cooking. This is a creation for “home meal replacements/convenience meals”. See you at the physician.

Nope. *We* are going to be fine because we are going to be eating as our Paleolithic ancestors intended.

A postcard from earth. To earthlings.

Actual wood, you say? Linux.... Is he a swede?

But, they can’t purchase any compassion or empathy. I mean how else are they going to get it?

*scrolls all the way back to the top* I missed a dick? I must be catching a cold.

(More than josh duggar?) I am confused, too.


John Burt. BUTT HURT BURT, is what I'm really thinking Burt. Just so you know.

I’m not saying you’re wrong. But, I’m gonna support your mom’s willingness to embrace ideas.

That’s exactly it. “Look dude, it worked before she got here.” That's how it is now, I have no idea how it will be 30 or 50 years from now.

I see women never achieving buddy status. How could she be a ‘buddy’ when she’s clearly a *female*. I have also seen men flat out refuse to allow cohesiveness at any level/be as disruptive as possible, all at the thought of *females* joining in. I assume it was meant to be daunting or intimidating but, the speed with

“Happy birthday dear Daniel. Happy birthday to youuuuu!” HAHAHA, pig-eyed sack of shit. “I really hope you like what we got you!”

Anybody in the Springs know if jack roth is in on this? Thanks.

20 bucks says Notorious RBG plots elaborate Antonin Scalia murder scenarios on a yellow legal pad while taking a drag off a cigarette and sipping a G&T.

Oh. HAHAHAHA! Funny. Aaaand......ordered.

Very sad. *That* comment was a bit irresponsible to make. To any of the abused: He’s not ABUSIVE because he’s angry, he’s ANGRY because he’s an abuser.