I understand and share your anger pretty much every day. But I’ve noticed the violent theme to your comments for a few months now and need to ask with all sincerity and good intent: Are you doing ok?
I understand and share your anger pretty much every day. But I’ve noticed the violent theme to your comments for a few months now and need to ask with all sincerity and good intent: Are you doing ok?
But if Cohen *did* grovel for and was denied a pardon, wouldn’t Trump’s fluffers have paraded that as proof he’s a worm a lot sooner?
They’ve been busy the past couple years mounting DDoS attacks against Sony and Microsoft for reasons or whatever.
I will never fully understand how some won’t see how admitting to poor judgment and changing course is better for your rep in the long run than doubling down to eat that shit sandwich in front of the world while screaming it's a pastrami on rye.
Hey, just want to say, please don’t kill yourself. Are you OK?
Seriously? I don't *want* to believe bad news about him, but if the truth's the truth....
Oh my god. You violate both her trust in your faithfulness and her privacy? Does she know you track her location?! You worded it like she doesn’t.
You miss the forest for the trees. Trump’s revoking security clearances from anyone who publicly opposes him. He’s willing to endanger others just to backhand anyone who says mean words about him, in whatever legal capacity he can. Don’t get snide about it being done to CIA or whatever the crap as if that’d ever be…
What infuriates me is his followers haul truckloads of skepticism for the most basic and established institutions but are so gullible their brains suddenly have as much horsepower as a red wagon.
Bernie?! I’m both surprised and not at all. He has a couple pie in the sky nice ideas then pulls that crap.
It doesn’t matter if Trump is directly swayed, we have to march for the world to see, for history, and because it is just. And if we sway anyone but Trump currently squatting in the WH, they can apply pressure to stop this even if they’d never admit it.
You’re right. You’d hope Steve Scalise learn a damn thing. ALAS.
I made Chicken Provençal from some Julia Child video for my folks. Sautéed some thighs then cooked it in it’s own juices with reduced tomato and herbs and a side of roasted veggies. Moist!
How can people do this and not show empathy? Why why <b>why</b>. It’s just evil, no more complicated than that, I guess. I’m so dismayed that I can possibly hate this much. Trump, Sanders and their ilk are beyond any benefit of any doubt. I’m so ready to bloody and be proudly bloodied by these inhumane monsters. I’m…
Oh for fuck’s sake, Neil!
I won’t even humor you by thinking about this too hard. Whatever false equivalency you’re pitching, literally anyone and anything else is better than this naked evil.
Wouldn’t surprise me to see 3DS-like graphics. Game Freak’s been... not super great when it comes to building engines or getting the most mileage from them.
Like others have said, it looks like random encounters are removed. Throwing my hat in the ring, catching uses touch control when portable and throwing/lobbing motions with Joycons when docked.
You know what you’re doing. Fuck off. Fuck off. FUCK OFF. DON’T STOP FUCKING YOURSELF you weak, small, impotent, SELFISH punkass. A tub of spoiled sour cream. The stuff in a zit. Aged jizz. You are a sociopath, you’ve helped damn-near destroy the world order, and you’re too fucking stupid to even plan your weekend,…