Beau Dazzle

And Pandora's Tower. If they are so paranoid of what the casual gamers and mainstream press of a country will think of the House of Mario publishing a T or M-rated game, they ought to pass off the duties to another game company altogether and disavow any formal acknowledgement like we saw with allowing XSEED to

To me it comes across more like they are performing image control to our detriment, to the point of denying otherwise quality games from being released in our country. It's like they're embarrassed of their less iconic franchises that lack a Mickey Mouse-esque widespread appeal.

I never liked how Nintendo of America seemingly doesn't so much as sneeze without Nintendo's HQ in Japan saying they can.

Just make it as colorful, gay, and fast-paced as DA2 and give us an actual long-term goal and destination like in DA:O and you're golden Bioware.

I'm in the same boat as you. I want to enjoy the games they make, but they are inseparable from their artistic vision of endless cheesecake. Oh, and the only gay character in their Witcher games is an evil tyrant. They aren't getting one red cent from me until they learn to knock off the bullpuckey.

There's been rumblings about an HD or Vita version of Type-0 for international release, but it's mostly been rumors or otherwise unconfirmed.

It was right under my nose!

And Japan's birthrate ticks down another percent.

They always looked shear to me, at any rate. Always bugged me.

Because the world was just dying for a fifth NIS/Idea Factory RPG this year.

"Star Wars pls go"

That's hardly covered up. Nearly every piece of art has her doing her signature high kicks, flashing that battle thong of her's. Yuck. Thank goodness Wada here is drawing out her less common, more practical Alpha attire.

And she's here to punish y'all by the power of the moon, mofo.

Hopefully this means that there is one less smelly yaoi fangirl in the making now.

Good, now maybe the weeaboos will stop wearing as many Kingdom Hearts pendants around campus.

I wouldn't be surprised. Socially conservative people tend to attribute more intangible things like mental disorders and even something normal like different sexual orientations as strictly personality-based, a quirk, or as something that someone needs to "get over".

I wouldn't put it past them one bit. It's like that Kingdom Hearts series staying on hardware that's as close to a PS2's hardware capabilities as possible, to always keep the option of asset porting open and the creation of new assets a small as a headache as possible. It's cost-cutting and keeps to customers'

1990's Me: "Like playing an anime? I bet it'll be like Cowboy Bebop and Gundam where I blow up things with style and a bit of substance!"

I never could get into the games by this studio: it's just manly men beating up other manly men with excessive blood and a painfully forced pulp style while desperately wanting their iffy stories to be taken seriously in spite of it all.