Beau Dazzle

And they don't exactly have the best gender relations over there. They have beer vending machines and bullet trains, but their gender relations gap is as wide as the Grand Canyon, and the most widely seen "gay" figure their society even acknowledges is a caricature done by a straight guy who likes to wear leather

I saw "Funcom" and this screenshot and thought it was Arcadia from Dreamfall. :(

The new Dante is somehow... sexier than before? Maybe it's just my personal preference for lean/average guys, but I'm finding myself favoring the new, lithe Dante over the vanilla Dante and his ho-hum "perfect" physique.

Shockingly, Riki sounded much more tolerable (maybe even endearing?) in English, accent and all. Listening to the Japanese voice made him sound like a little kid and would only make me take him that much less seriously, if that were even possible.

I'm asking the wrong kind of question, but why are KOS-MOS and T-elos working together? Where's Ziggy? Ziggy was way more interesting than T-elos and not, y'know, not trying to kill KOS-MOS all the time.

Moe games like Atelier are kinda garbage, have to agree with you on that, but Tales games are intentionally meant to reuse tropes, cliches, cameos and other assorted story and character shorthands to the point that no character or story in the series is truly unique from the others.

I'll have to keep that in mind, thanks! I'm not a fan of shoujo either (let's be frank, it literally wasn't made for me), but out of nostalgia of watching DiC's cruddy little Americanizing dub at 7:00 in the morning as a little boy, I have a soft spot for Sailor Moon. Aside from the "ick" factor of the main character

And she doesn't, you know, wipe women from existence or pretend that only men in their teens and twenties are still dating around. I wish I could say "What Did You Eat Yesterday?" was the msot appealing to me, but she doesn't show so much as a kiss between them. Sure it's made for a mainstream manga magazine (Morning

I don't see Muslims acting this way in America. Must be the desert heat making them cranky.

Yoshinaga isn't perfect, but however clumsily she handles it, she's one of the extremely few manga authors that even acknowledges that there's such a thing as an LGBT community. Well, the gay facet of the community at any rate.

I wish I could say "to each their own" regarding yaoi, but when it's virtually the most common genre or avenue in showcasing homosexual relationships and yet doesn't depict them with any degree of accuracy, it's hard to ignore it.

I think they did let everyone have a say in the development of XIII. That's how we got the Transformer summons. It's not enough to be an all-powerful, bio-mechanical, time-hopping demigod, they have to transform into a race car too? :(

I know Catherine was Atlus. My wording implied that it was Square, so my mistake on that front.

I don't know if it's just Toriyama or what, but a lot of Japanese developers seem to be tone deaf to the fact that their personally-penned "amazing stories" were piles of dog dung. Even now when Square seemingly can't stop apologizing for Final Fantasy XIII, they have -never- said that the story could have been

That is a damn handsome console.


So the land that brought us DS games based entirely around molesting girls in the pursuit of finding witches can't seem to handle western-developed, M-rated games in their entirety.

Oh, I am in stitches over here!

Still don't see why Shepard has to kill himself with space magic to do something that the tiny master and commander of all Reapers could do just as easily with just a twitch of his nose. Would have kept the old species "preserved" all nice like too to just send them all the way back to dark space, but noooo...

I jumped through so many hoops to get those two groups to fight tooth and nail for the chance to share a rock together, and it still makes no impact on the conversation.