I'm going to tell you a little secret. I wrote in that last line on Wikipedia as a joke not an hour ago.
I'm going to tell you a little secret. I wrote in that last line on Wikipedia as a joke not an hour ago.
"Except we still have a writing staff that turns out work of a quality only just above that of an eighth-grader's. You westerners just don't understand our tastes. Tomb Raider is an RPG."
A guy like Akitoshi Kawazu shook things up with Final Fantasy II and his SaGa series in the field of gameplay, and he was kept on board for it. Now, I won't say Kawazu's games are outright "enjoyable" (heck no), but he tried new things all the time. What happened to Square awarding such innovation? Remember how much…
I wish they would make a game like XIII-2, but with story by the guy who prdocued NIER. But noooo, I guess Motomu Toriyama is just -that good- at his job penning stuff like XIII, Third Birthday, and Front Mission Evolved that he deserved to keep his job over that Yoko Taro guy.
Yeah, I have my entire PS2 library comprise games made in Japan, but now only four or so titles fro mJapan have made it into my 360 collection and even fewer into my PS3(!) one. It's really pathetic that Japanese devs feel that they have to have underage girls (or images of them if you want to be some creeptatstic…
I don't think I'd ever get one, but it is awfully... cute? Put it this way, it looks refreshingly no frills.
"What Did You Eat Yesterday?" or "Kinou Nani wo Tabeta?", a story about two middle-aged(!) gay men set in the framing device of dinner preparation exists in that grey area of scanlations. For whatever reason it's just about the only Fumi Yoshinaga comic that hasn't been officially released in English.
Sounds like it's always been that way, just much more obviously so as of late I will give you that.
"What Did You Eat Yesterday?" or "Kinou Nani wo Tabeta?", a story about two middle-aged(!) gay men set in the framing device of dinner preparation exists in that grey area of scanlations. For whatever reason it's just about the only Fumi Yoshinaga comic that hasn't been officially released in English.
It's going to be this year, definitely. But I wouldn't expect it out any sooner than around June, December at the latest.
Truthfully speaking, I like how every news outlet running articles on this growing story is mentioning his birthname, almost out of a spite for someone who would willingly rename themselves "Dotcom".
The logo looks like a giraffe getting a blowjob from a woman.
The guy in the orange hoodie is giving me dirty thoughts about reach-arounds and prodding digits.
He was voiced by one of the Bladwin brothers? Huh!
New Metroid, maybe?
There's also a shuttle pilot for the Normandy who's a gay romance option. Like, EXCLUSIVELY gay. He says flat out in the script that he had a husband once, and there are no means for Ms. Shepard to be anything more than good friends with him. On that note, there's also a Normandy officer (comms I think?) who is a flat…
Would be kind of cool to have a male Quarian as a squadmate/cuddle buddy.
So long as we get the same amount of skin from both sexes, I'm cool with it.
Dragon Age 2, because I'm a glutton for boredom and gay inclusion in equal measures.