
I don’t want to get too graphic here, but, perhaps if we glued his asshole shut, he would stop spewing stupid shit, and, he might possibly get a clue about what that kind of back log would feel like, the damage it would do to internal systems, and what will happen when the dam breaks.

Well, chiropractor — nuff said!

Don’t tell other they can’t? This is a representative for a state in the United States? Jesus wept.

It’s almost like politicians shouldn’t be writing legislation about medical practices they know nothing about. I mean, I don’t show up at circuses and tell lion tamers how to do their jobs, anymore than I want them stopping by my classroom with tips on pedagogy.

Same here! (New Orleans). Luckily one of my senators is holding a town hall tomorrow so I’m going, armed with my teacher’s ID and a binder full of printouts of why Betsy Devos is terrible and I’m damn sure going to to demand an explanation of his “yes” vote for her.

I don’t even know what to say about this. There are so many layers of BS. 1) what the fuck does someone else’s religion have to do with you? 2) what in the ever loving fuck are you accomplishing by knocking over headstones? 3) how the hell did so many people not learn to treat others the way they want to be treated?

I <3 Malcom Nance.

I think they feel desperation and a lack of options, who are being treated like criminals everywhere they turn. Without jobs, without money, and without a place to call home, after fleeing from mass murder, bombs from their own government, and poison gas.

Speaking as a devout Catholic (of a left wing bent), Protestants never seem to understand that there’s no principle of general papal infalliability—ordinarily, the Pope is human and highly falliable, making mistakes like any other human. There’s a reason why the Pope has his own confessor and attends weekly

He sounds like my dad. My uneducated, unemployed, poor-ass racist, sexist, dad who mooched off my mom most of his life. The only difference is that 45* was born rich.

They need to stop eating lead paint chips.

Just like how we all live in The Inner City (TM).

I hear there are “secret black meetings” monthly in most major cities.

There’s also this...

Seriously, what was that?

If anything, I’d still lay odds that Trump will resign of his own volition. At some point, he’ll realize that he can earn more money, followers, and influence by stepping back and criticizing from afar than staying in office and making B.S. excuses for his own incompetence.

Preach on, a lot of people in this country don’t understand how recent the history of U.S. government violence against American Indians really is, or the depraved extents to which it has gone. It didn’t end back in the “wild west days” it went on for many years, still goes on in a thousand ways, and looks to be

Perhaps they should conduct an internal investigation to determine the identity of the renegade agents that sabotaged a Presidential election instead of harassing peaceful protestors. Or, they could investigate the neo-Nazi, right-wing groups that are sending bomb threats to Jewish community centers, synagogues and

Thanks! I think it is important for reporters to not only report what happens as spot news, but what the consequences are as well.

Great article. Thank you. I appreciate you reviewing the history of the treaty and its importance then and now.