
‘He doesn’t hold back anymore.’ That is what led to graveyards being molested, that is what makes it OK for these people to act out. It is not funny. It does destroy us as a nation dedicated to equal rights. And I hope we are, despite current messages to not.

No, no, no. The bill is in an undisclosed location.

I live in the south and am very familiar with people who claim not to be racist because ‘I would never say that.’ Of course, these folks have learned not to say that in mixed company. Doesn’t mean they don’t hold these views. And there are times when I as a white American hear these remarks. Because they think I’m one

They have always been around but usually hidden in the woodwork. Here they are, out in the light of the sun.

I agree about this VOICE. What the heck is this and how will it be enforced? Sounds like xenophobia and racism to me.

I have a friend who has worked in the State Department for many years. Believe me, when he applied for the job many years ago someone from Washington came to New Orleans to interview myself and everyone else he had used as a reference. What I’m saying is that these people are totally vetted. They even asked my boss at

Apparently none of these men can remember the fight for women’s suffrage. Not surprising, these men do not even give a hoot for anyone but themselves.

I guess let crazy people do what they do. Does she really believe that no one would know her by another name? I’m white. Most readers here are black. Don’t we have enough to do? This crazy ass woman doesn’t have anything to do with that, except that she got a lot of press. And that is why she did this.

My brother and his friend, entomologist and biologist, went fishing. Stayed overnight in a motel. Gave the owner a lecture about bed bugs, because they found the bugs in their room, They weren’t weird about it. They gave the motel owner tips about how to get rid of them. That’s how they roll.

Not a doctor.


Funny, after having to collect chicken eggs as a child I feel that way about them.

Bantam hen eggs. Duck eggs. Domestic and available. Tasty.

I am not a person who consumes uncooked fish. The tips about buying fresh are excellent. Cook it quickly and enjoy. Of course, I live in a city with fresh fish mongers. Those who don’t might have to refrain. Unless Dad and Mom fish and bring the catch home it’s hard to know where it comes from.

Don’t tell other they can’t? This is a representative for a state in the United States? Jesus wept.

This is horrifying. Writing as a person whose entire family lies in a cemetery, as a catholic person, this is actually scary. The dogs of war and hate have been loosed.

We still music love into our 60s. I thought then pretty pretentious. We loved these musicians, we love their world. At least the president didn’t want to blow up the world. I swear to a god, I wish to be in a world at zero anywhere.

Yes, it is Yes, it is excess. I clutch my pearls. I have them to clutch. I do not have diamonds. Yes, it is what we might call nouveau riche. Yes, everything this man does is frightening. His bad taste is the least of it. Hey, if you want gilt and golden curtains, that’s your world. Be happy with it, just leave the

It is apparently realty based. I am not certain about that. I know about this