Of all the things to be gleeful about, assaulting a minimum wage worker (I presume) has got to be the dumbest shit I’ve seen all week.
Of all the things to be gleeful about, assaulting a minimum wage worker (I presume) has got to be the dumbest shit I’ve seen all week.
Oh, I think she was trying to be supporting and acknowledge Tig’s additional struggles. But the issue was that she apparently just presumed that Tig actually had additional struggles without ever verifying. And it’s that presumption that’s annoying since she clearly just glossed over Tig’s actual life experiences in…
But Jujy: Now I have to pick a side. And not just pick a side, but take shots at the other person while I’m at it. I can’t just read the post and do nothing. Lines have been drawn!
When you live with someone, there are all sorts of opportunities to really irritate one another, if not make an enemy for life. Amy Schumer may have been “that” roommate. Notaro’s discomfort with Schumer may be based more on living with Schumer than on her recent comments.
you’re my son & i love yuo
I love this blog, mom!
Arbour would probably take you up on that if she could find a willing opponent. That basic is as thirsty as fuck...
I hate all these people.
Those of us with young kids are asking for trouble when we watch more than 2 hours of anything after they go to bed.
We need to institute some kind of incentive program to get more Scandinavian men to move to the U.S.
He was caught in the act, so the mugshot was never going to be a smoking gun. It was only weird that the mugshot hadn’t been released, because it was yet more evidence that the authorities have done everything they can to make this guy as comfortable as possible and to present him in the most cosmetically palatable…
Hey, wanna see a cool baby?
Ugh don’t read his statement. He blames it on lack of confidence with women
Can we contrast the way his parents reacted though with the way that asshole Stanford student’s dad reacted? Originally he was given bail on the condition he stayed with his parents. A day or so after that happened he confessed to his mother that he was guilty. She called the police and basically told them to get him…
So glad I refilled my wine glass before reading this. And look, it’s time to get another. :(
He had the gall to say he was immature and didn't understand that what he was doing was wrong. And yet, he wrote a how to for pedophiles and posted abuse photos for his dark web buddies. But he was just immature. Rot in hell.
I laughed. Everyone’s a feminist until a working mom wants to mom.
If the problem is that she wants to be home, dad stepping up or hiring a nanny won’t rectify that. I think she has young kids. I know when I’m at work that my son is taken care of, but that doesn’t change the fact that when big things happen, I want to be there. I think someone mentioned that her son is starting…