
Don’t forget the 24 year-old teacher tied to a cinder block at the bottom of a pond:

Candler Felts is not to be mistaken for Chandler Delts, my Tumblr dedicated to Matthew Perry’s shoulder.

I would watch this movie on Lifetime.


I want to make “dim” take off, like as opposed to “lit”

I appreciate you and all you do.

It’s like commenting “First”

Yes, my husband’s mild emotional abuse became extreme after we had our child and I suffered horrible postpartum depression. He would claim to be doing everything “right” and get angry when I didn’t start getting better immediately. I became a symbol to him of his failure and he hated me for that.

Here’s hoping avoiding using the quote itself will preclude assholes from showing up to passionately argue that it’s just not FAIR to suggest women being tortured, raped and murdered is somehow worse than men’s feelings being hurt.

This guy’s lawyer says: “It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”

It’s Maria Bamford... Being awesomely awkward.

Yes, LEGO and DUPLO are compatible.

I don’t think the kid would be old enough for such a task. And even if he was, three days of playing LEGO would not be a punishment, it’d be a holiday.

Netflix is a gift to anyone tired of how American TV execs are twenty years behind normal people.

To paraphrase the old shtick about Mohammed and the mountain: If the networks won’t come to women’s interests.... then women will come to Netflix. Hooray Netflix!

Srsly - all these phenomena that got written out of history or was ignored at the time, now we’re getting all these shows and dockos about them! I love it!

*cough, I need to be ungreyed real bad to get the word out easier about Scottish Jezebel Meet Ups. end cough*

randilynisFINDILYN CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH a comedy series about a 1980's female wrestling league.