
When he made the original statements, most of the focus, even here on Gawker, were on Elijah Wood and possible victim friends of his. It’s not Wood’s obligation or even his place to publicly name victims of abuse. Even though he didn’t, saying he was “friends with” child actors who were abused brings scrutiny on each

I always mistakenly believed it took place at Polanski’s house, so you can imagine my confusion.

It happened at a photo shoot for French Vogue - a super weird photo shoot where Polanski was the only one there. Anyway, that’s why the girl showed up - she thought she was going to be in Vogue. I can’t recall why Angelica Huston was there - just hanging out?

Also not saying Nicholson is completely blameless here, but IIR, Polanksi was using Nicholson’s house with Nicholson was out of town. It wasn’t a party. Angelica Houston, however, was there as she was Nicholson’s GF at the time and later testified that the victim was basically a tramp who obviously wanted it. So...

Made a bet with myself before I clicked the link. Sad I won :(


I’m trying to think of a situation where you need your gun with you just before you take a shower, but not while you are in the shower.

“Fucking Americans”, is what we say about it here in Aus. Not that our government is exactly a shining beacon of light. But we had Port Arthur, and then we shut that shit right down. Only good thing Howard ever did.

But things ARE changing- people are buying more and more guns every day.

God bless your Mom (and I don’t mean that in the Southern way). Thanks for such a well thought out response. I didn’t think you meant it in the anti-vaxx “Autism is worse than death from smallpox” kinda way, but was trying to reassure you that even if your kid did end up on the spectrum, it wouldn’t be the worst

He’s a classic hypocrite. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past him to be slightly (or greatly) sociopathic, because sociopaths are infamous for thinking they are almighty exceptions to things they castigate others for.

he also definitely wears a girdle, which is what gives him his refrigerator shape

He’s a bully and a pretty unsophisticated one and people want him to be president! This election is really eye opening. I had too much faith in American voters. Now I am wondering whether I want to raise children in this country given how many people seem to love and admire bullies.

He’s a bully. It doesn’t matter whether he meets his own standards as long as he can make YOU feel like shit for not meeting his standards.

Pasty, flabby and riddled with phlebitis. A good, republican body. (Borrowed heavily from Richard Nixon’s head, lamenting the loss of his body on Futurama)

That’s what Christie gets. He wanted to suck up to this asshole and be promised a position, and this is the price. Christie himself is such an unpleasant, lying, corrupt individual that this is what he deserves.

This is gonna come off touchy, but that’s probably the wine speaking: As a mother of a kid on the spectrum, Autism is not the worst thing that could happen to your child. Neural Tube defects would be way worse.

I'm taking Zantac twice a day to help with the pregnancy heartburn and I'm dying.

I think if I had had to take three iron pills per day, I’d be dead from poop overload. Like Elvis. What a way to die.

I was super iron deficient in my first pregnancy. Anecdotal, but my daughter is non-ASD. Best not to worry about it! If you can stomach it, a tablespoon of black strap molasses a day can really help your iron lvls and take your supplement with a glass of orange juice because the vitamin C helps with absorption.