
Well, the guy wasn’t wearing a tank top.

I have to take the glucose test next week. I am seriously concerned!

I can cheat 1-2 times a week. But if I am not caring anything with butter/cheese/eggs/red meats immediately gives me a pain in the right side of my mid back. I have found that I can eat certain low fat dairy (like some yogurt but not all) and have pizza every couple of weeks but I mostly try to keep my saturated fat

My doctor put me on iron supplements during my pregnancy without saying something like, “hey, just so you know, if you take these daily you’ll probably never poop again.” I wish I had known that before, you know, taking them.

Oh no, you might also have gallbladder disease? Definitely get an ultrasound and talk to your PCP, you can control it through diet, you do want to get pancreatis from it. I have to have it our several weeks after I deliver.

Right there with you.

You are amazing. This place looks amazing.

I’m on an every day schedule right now and it seems to be working. My doctor told me no to iron supplements :/

I don’t typically eat cereal but frosted mini-wheats is a real pleasure for me. At the same time I was becoming iron deficient I was also diagnosed with gallbladder disease (thanks to pregnancy) and I can’t get iron from most meat because I’m not supposed to eat it! I am also not supposed to take iron supplements! So

I hear ya. We’re TTC for BabyStuDeux and I’ve been on prenatals for a couple of months. I read the original articles and thought, oh great. But again, I took them with BabyStu and he’s A-OK.

Kellogg’s now owes you $10,000 for this product mention. Nice!

I was getting very deficient then I started eating Frosted Mini Wheats! They have 100% of your daily iron and keep you regular. Which is another huge pregnancy need!



I had a work meeting at her magazine last year, and she not only stopped in to say hi, she sat down, chatted with me, then we ate quiche together. She was lovely, but no-nonsense. It was surreal.

It hasn’t! Which has been Bill’s plan all along!

I’m going for the 4 awesome comedian leads. And staying for Chris Hemsworth with an accent and nerd glasses.

But men are effortlessly funny, don’t you know. /s

blackening scab artfully hiding in your Raisin Bran Donald Trump

I disagree. One of my friends once got beaten and robbed by two African American men, and my friends and I (after tending to him) warned him that it was partially his fault (which does not make the thieves any less guilty) because he was walking home by himself, through a seedy area while he was piss drunk.